London St and Oxford St - Pedestrian Safety improvements

We are making it safer and more accessible for pedestrians in Lyttelton town centre and for Lyttelton School.

Project status: Closed for feedback
Open for feedback: 4 March 2022 to 29 March 2022

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Update 28 June 2022

The Te pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board approved the changes on Monday 27 June 2022. 

The Community Board made the following changes to the proposal:

  • Install a five-minute restricted parking space outside the Lyttelton Information Centre.

You can view the meeting minutes, which include the formal resolutions, online at link).

What happens next?

We expect construction to begin in October 2022.

Consultation has now closed.

People were able to provide feedback from 4 March 2022 to 29 March 2022. During this time we heard from 38 individuals and groups.

The majority of submitters supported the changes (21). Due to how the question was framed, not all submitters indicated that they supported or opposed the proposal.

Key themes

Main comments made by submitters were:

  • London Street between Canterbury Street and Oxford Street should paved to show it is a shared zone (5)
  • The speed limit should be 30km/h or slower (5)
  • London Street should be one way (3)
  • The kerb build-outs on Sumner Road were a concern (6) as the large trucks that use this route wouldn’t be able to make the turn from Oxford Street to Sumner Road
  • Did not support any of the changes (2)

Other comments included:

  • The zebra crossings on London Street are not necessary
  • Include orange beacons at all the zebra crossings
  • Move the zebra crossing on Norwich Quay as it is dangerous where it is now
  • Include mobility parking spaces outside the supermarket

Changes from the feedback

  • No parking restrictions outside Lyttelton information centre

Submissions [PDF, 170 KB]

What are we doing

  • New zebra pedestrian crossing outside SuperValue on London Street
  • Two new zebra pedestrian crossings at the Canterbury Street/London Street intersection
  • Re-positioned zebra pedestrian crossing on Sumner Road to allow for new kerb build-outs
  • New kerb build-outs at the intersection of Sumner Road and Oxford Street to provide clearer sightlines and shorter crossing distances for pedestrians
  • P5 parking restriction on Oxford Street outside the Lyttelton Information Centre to provide short term parking
  • P3 parking restrictions on Oxford Street between Lyttelton School and Lyttelton Arts Factory during the following times:

              ◊  8.15 am to 9.15am - school days only

              ◊ 2.30pm to 3.30pm - school days only

              ◊ P120 at all other times


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Who to contact

Sam Sharland,
Engagement Advisor

How the decision is made

  • Closed for feedback

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