Proposed extension of kerbside collection service in Wairewa

We’re planning to offer the kerbside collection service to additional properties in Wairewa. Those properties would be charged the full Waste Minimisation Targeted Rate.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 11 March 2022 to 18 April 2022

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How it works now

Properties in Little River receive a kerbside collection service for all three bins: rubbish (red), recycling (yellow) and organics (green). The area is also serviced by the Little River recycling drop-off site. Those Little River properties pay the Waste Minimisation Targeted Rate which is $196.45 per house (incl GST) in 2021/22. The targeted rate covers the cost of collecting and processing recycling and organics (yellow and green bins). The cost of collecting and disposing of rubbish (red bin) is recovered through Council’s general rate, which is based on the capital value of each property.

Other properties in Wairewa receive a part-service for rubbish and recycling. Properties with a part-service transport their waste to the Birdlings Flat Transfer Station or the Little River recycling point and pay 75% of the Waste Minimisation Targeted Rate – that is $147.34 per house (incl. GST) in 2021/22. 

Our proposed change

We’re planning to offer the kerbside service to all properties accessible to our collection vehicle, between Cooptown and Gebbies Valley. These properties will have the option to order three bins, or continue to use the existing facilities. We’re keeping it flexible, as we know through consultation with residents that some people prefer the service they have now.

However, all developed properties that have the service available will be charged the full Waste Minimisation Targeted Rate. This is consistent with our policy throughout the city. Properties already paying the 75% part rate, will have an increase in annual rates of around $49 (incl. GST).

For those properties on roads our collection trucks can’t access there will be no change in service or charging.

The proposed expansion to our kerbside collection service will include all properties on the new collection route, shown in the maps below.

Blue lines show roads on current collection roads. Pink lines show proposed extension roads.

The full proposed kerbside collection area (full Waste Minimisation Targeted Rate)

You can use our search tool(external link) to find out if your property is within the proposed kerbside collection area.

Reasons for the change

Making this change will help to achieve our waste minimisation targets by providing better opportunities for people to use our recycling and organics services. It also allows us to provide the convenience of a kerbside collection to more residents.

Alternative options considered

Inclusion of properties inaccessible to collection vehicles

Public consultation in November 2021 included an option for properties our collection trucks can’t access to receive three bins and transport these to accessible areas for collection. We received mixed feedback about bin placement, damage to bins (from being transported along unsealed roads), spilled waste and the desire to retain the Birdlings Flat Transfer Station.

Future inclusion of this option may be considered again following the initial rollout.

Limited roll-out excluding Birdlings Flat

A number of Birdlings Flat residents expressed concern about bins being blown over in high winds, along with a preference to retain the existing transfer station.

Birdlings Flat is compact with accessible streets and turnaround areas. Providing kerbside collection in this area has benefits for those residents wanting a kerbside service. To address concerns about high winds, the roll-out will include the offer of lid clips, which reduce litter spill from wheelie bins.


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Who to contact

Tessa Zant,
Senior Engagement Advisor

How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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