27 Hunters Rd and 42 Whero Ave land options

We own a large block of land in Diamond Harbour that we no longer need. Five options for the future of the land have been developed and we’d like to know which one you prefer.

Project status: Closed for feedback
Open for feedback: 15 October 2021 to 16 November 2021

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Update June 2021

Council approved the staff recommendations for Hunters Road/Whero Avenue land options, with an additional resolution, on Thursday 9 June 2022.

You can view the meeting minutes, which include the formal resolutions, online at christchurch.infocouncil.biz(external link) (section 11).  You can watch the two deputations(external link), skip to 3 minutes 30 seconds and the decision being made here.(external link)

Additional resolution

  • Request that the outline development plan prioritises climate change adaptation and the ability for local residents to age in place in the considerations as far as possible.

What happens next?

We will prepare a draft Outline Development Plan (ODP) with input from the community and Council’s infrastructure (water, transport, waste water teams), also Citizens and Community and Resource teams. We will also take into account the submissions already received.

Our initial step is to gather information about infrastructure capacity.  Following this, we will be in contact again with a project plan including timeframes for the next steps.

Update November 2021

People were able to provide feedback from 15 October 2021 to 16 November 2021.

During this time we heard from 234 individuals and groups. 

Summary of feedback received

  • The majority of submitters actually want a mixture of the options.
  • Consistently across all options, people want the gullies ‘protected’ – either with covenants or as reserves.
  • There is support for the development of the land, but people highlighted the importance of doing it in a staged way, and that upgrades to water and roading infrastructure would be needed.
  • Whatever happens to this land, there is a clear indication from the community that they want to be involved in the process, to make sure any development is sympathetic to the existing environment and community.

Submissions [PDF, 2.9 MB]

Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community Board's submission [PDF, 110 KB]

Consultation analysis [PDF, 192 KB]

Meeting details and decision-making process

A staff report will be presented to the Council who will then make the final decision. I will be back in contact when the Council have arranged their meetings for the new year.


We have owned the land at 27 Hunter Road and 42 Whero Avenue, Diamond Harbour, since 1913. It was set aside for the development and expansion of Diamond Harbour and has been zoned for potential residential development for at least the past 40 years.

In general, we don’t take on the risks associated with residential development, so this has not occurred.

The land includes three gullies that have been allowed to revegetate. The balance of the land is leased for grazing, but this income does not cover the costs of owning the land, with the annual loss being about $15,000.

We have plans to protect the gullies for their environmental and landscape values, but no plans for the balance of the land.

As the land had been identified as being surplus to our requirements, we took the opportunity during our Long Term Plan 2021-31 consultation process to ask the community’s view on what should be done.

We have identified a future need for increased cemetery capacity in the wider Diamond Harbour area. Investigations are under way to identify a suitable site on this land. If part of this land is required we will consult with the Diamond Harbour community. 

Land sale proposal plan [PNG, 1.7 MB]

Proposed covenant areas


LTP 2021-2031 consultation feedback and Council resolution


Next steps

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Who to contact

How the decision is made

  • Closed for feedback

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