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Calling for further submissions on a proposed change to the Christchurch District Plan relating to the Papakāinga/Kāinga Nohoanga Zone.
The proposed Plan Change 8 to the Christchurch District Plan better enables the use and development of Māori land in the Papakāinga/Kāinga Nohoanga zone.
The zone is in five different locations; Rapaki, Koukourārata (Port Levy), Wairewa (Little River), Ōnuku and Ōpukutahi.
Read more on this plan change including the submissions received and the summary of submissions.
If you are making a further submission in support or opposition, you are required to serve a copy of your further submission on the person whose original submission is supported or opposed no later than five working days after the day on which the further submission is provided to the Council.
Here is a helpful guide [PDF, 505 KB] to making a submission and further submission. For further submission information please refer to page 12 of the document.
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