Managing noise from the Canterbury Multi-Use Arena

Have your say on the proposed extension of the Canterbury Multi-Use Arena’s Outer Noise Insulation Area.

Project status: Closed for feedback
Open for feedback: 21 May 2021 to 7 June 2021

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In late January and February this year we undertook public consultation with people owning and living in properties in the area around the Canterbury Multi-Use Arena (CMUA), asking for their comment on proposals to amend the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan and the Christchurch District Plan.

These proposals aim to better manage noise for immediate neighbours from the Canterbury Multi-Use Arena when it is built and operating, in particular noise from large and medium-size concerts. They include:

  • Measures limiting noise coming from the Arena. 
  • An upper limit of concerts per year.
  • A standard finishing time for events.
  • A CMUA Outer Noise Insulation Area, within which new buildings for noise-sensitive uses will have to meet an increased noise insulation standard to reduce noise inside. ‘Buildings for noise-sensitive uses’ include residential and guest accommodation, and education buildings. Existing buildings or buildings for other uses such as commercial or industrial uses would not be affected by these requirements for increased noise insulation.

The detailed preliminary design of the Arena has now progressed further and the noise contours (lines that show levels of noise at different distances from the Arena) have been remodelled for large concerts. These noise contours are slightly smaller to the north, but they are larger to the south of the Arena. 

We are now proposing to extend the CMUA Outer Noise Insulation Area further to the south.

Currently, in this part of the Central City, new buildings for noise-sensitive uses need to achieve a 30-decibel decrease from the external noise level to the internal noise level, for bedrooms only.

We are proposing that once these new rules take effect, new buildings for noise-sensitive uses (only) would have to achieve a 35-decibel decrease for bedrooms and a 30-decibel decrease for all other habitable spaces in the dwelling or building.

Next steps

We welcome your feedback on this proposal as it enables us to consider your views before the Council debates all of the CMUA noise management proposals. This is likely to be in June.

We will then submit the proposals to the Associate Minister of Finance who has delegated responsibility for residual Greater Christchurch Regeneration portfolio matters, for a decision.

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Who to contact

Katy McRae,
Engagement Manager

How the decision is made

  • Closed for feedback

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