Cashmere Tennis Club have applied for a new lease to continue using their current site in Cashmere Valley Reserve.
People were able to provide feedback from 18 May to 23 June 2021. During this time we heard from 90 individuals and groups. The majority were in support of the lease renewal. You can read their feedback here. [PDF, 181 KB]
Seven submitters on the lease proposal have made a request to be heard. Therefore, a hearing panel will meet before making recommendation to the Community Board for a final decision.
Hearing took place on Monday 1st November in Committee Room 1, at Christchurch City Council, 53 Hereford Street. The hearing panel support the new lease application and are in the process of writing their recommendation to Community Board.
The Waihoro/Spreydon-Cashmere Community Board will consider the hearing recommendation report before making their decision to approve or not approve. This is likely to take place December 2021. Meeting date and details will be provided here once the report has been confirmed on the meeting agenda.
Cashmere Tennis Club’s lease on Cashmere Valley Reserve, between Valley Road and Crichton Terrace, has expired. The Club are seeking a new lease to continue their occupation and use of the reserve. The Club has invested significantly in the tennis courts, lighting and pavilion, and has strong membership figures.
The Club is seeking a new lease over approximately 8175m² of the reserve for their existing pavilion and 13 tennis courts. The new lease will be for a standard term of 33 years, with three 11 year renewal periods.
The new lease will be in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977. Fees and charges will be in line with Council’s standard charging rates.
A map indicating the lease area [JPG, 130 KB] is available for viewing.
Note: Survey has shown that 2 small area’s of the tennis courts are within the adjoining legal road. This doesn’t affect the functioning of the road. Approval will be sought for a licence to occupy legal road in conjunction with the new lease.
If you would like to discuss this project with the team, please join us:
Date: Tuesday 1 June, anytime between 4pm to 6pm
Location: Cashmere Tennis Club, Valley Road
If a Reserve Hearing Panel is required, it is likely to meet in August 2021 before making a recommendation to the Waihoro Spreydon-Cashmere Community Board for a final decision.
Cashmere Tennis Club building and mid courts - the Club have been on this site since around 1923 when it was part of the former Cashmere Hills Recreation Club.