Elmwood Park Bowling Club has applied to the Council for permission to demolish their old, earthquake-damaged clubrooms and replace it with a new single-storeyed building that better meets their Club’s needs.
The new building is slightly wider than the existing building footprint, but is single-storeyed, rather than double-storeyed. It includes clubrooms with kitchen and bar facilities, toilets and an administration area.
The Bowling Club is rebuilding in the same location. They have a licence to occupy the land that dates back to 1949 when the Council and the Elmwood Park Bowling Club purchased the property.
A resource consent has already been issued for this building that covers the design, shape, colour and height of the building, and the facilities inside.
The new building is solely for the use of the Bowling Club and its members and is not part of any previously proposed development plans in the area.
Download the full plans [PDF, 3.5 MB]