Future of the high performance facility in Jellie Park

We're keen to get your feedback on whether you’d like to see a community recreation group take over the Apollo Projects Centre located next to the Recreation and Sport Centre in Jellie Park.

Project status: Closed for feedback
Open for feedback: 22 April 2021 to 13 May 2021

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Next steps

 A public notice will be issued listing the name, or names, of potential lessees. If you are opposed to the group taking over the centre you can put in an objection at this stage. If objections are received, a hearing will be held and you will have the chance to speak to elected members.

The community board will then make a final decision on whether to issue a lease. If no objections are received the lessee will be confirmed.

5 August 2021: Request for Proposal Update

Thanks to all those who attended the information session on Monday 12 July to discuss progress on the Apollo Projects Centre Request for Proposal. Below are key notes from the session.  We also wanted to provide follow-up information on issues raised, and criteria to be included in the Request for Proposal. 

Notes from community information session - 12 July

The Apollo Project Centre is currently planned to be removed by SportNZ once their High Performance Services move to the new facility Parakiore Recreation and Sport Centre in early 2023.  SportNZ has offered to gift the facility for the purposes of community recreation and sport instead of demolishing.

The Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board have asked staff to investigate if there is a community group that could make use of the facility for the benefit of the community at no cost to the ratepayer.  If a group could make use of the facility, within a defined range of criteria, then a ground lease application process would occur.  The Community Board would then decide whether to grant a ground lease for the facility and the new use, following a formal consultation with the community.

The Request for Proposal process and early community engagement is being undertaken to determine whether a proposal will be presented to the Community Board for the ground lease application decision.

Gifting facility for a new community group and service

One of the questions raised at the information session was whether the facility could be allowed to stay on Jellie Park beyond its current purpose and approvals. 

Under the Reserves Act, community groups can occupy or use part of the recreation reserve and/or existing facility on it to deliver recreation and sport, and related services for the community.  This process involves formal consultation with the community.  All organisations and members of the public may provide written submissions on the proposed leasing, and be heard on their submission if they wish, before a decision is made.  


 Issues caused by parking in Chateau Drive and Matisse Place have been highlighted by some residents as a key concern.

  • In response, current users of the Apollo Projects Centre have been asked not to park here. We understand this has already resulted in some reduction in traffic and early morning issues in particular.
  • It was noted that people parking on these streets may not be Apollo Centre users. As there are currently no parking restrictions, anyone can legally park there.

The Council’s traffic operations team are aware of parking concerns on Chateau Drive and Matisse Place and are currently investigating these. They will report their findings to the community before the end of October 2021.  

A key requirement for prospective groups will be that an Access Management Plan will be developed. This will include Travel Demand Management, jointly monitored by the Council and any successful groups/s, on an ongoing basis. Specific attention will be paid to parking arrangements, requiring corrective action if necessary (a condition of the lease). If parking concerns continue (from any activities in the area), Council’s transport team can work with the community to implement other measures.

In addition, Council’s transport planning team is currently working with the local schools and businesses to encourage active transport options e.g. cycling and walking.

Safety concerns for park users/pedestrians was raised at the information session, particularly vehicles entering the facility.  This has since been built into the lease criteria, asking applicants to identify how they would specifically address this.

Lease conditions and risk to ratepayers

A resident asked about the risk to ratepayers if a new group did not meet lease conditions or could not afford to maintain the facility.

  • A change to the draft criteria takes into account the requirement for the new group to set aside funds to remove the building at the expiry of the lease and/or end of the facility’s useful life.
  • Any potential lease would include conditions around parking, transport management and use, which would be enforceable. 

The facility has a current resource consent, granted in 2019.

Request for Proposal criteria

The Request for Proposal will include clear criteria that applicants will need to meet.  These criteria are being developed incorporating feedback from the community, requirements of the Reserves Act, the Jellie Park Management Plan, and the resource consent. The three key criteria are around:

  • transport management
  • financial sustainability
  • alignment with strategic priorities and community outcomes

Applicants will need to demonstrate their ability to meet these criteria and manage all potential issues.

Request for Proposal Criteria


Issue addressed

Achieve transport management requirements and manage potential impacts

·         Provide an Access Management strategy, including Travel Demand Management designed to maximise active and sustainable transportation outcomes, and meet localised criteria including that users shall have opportunity to safe access by all modes of travel, shall not be dropped off inside the site and shall not park on Chateau Drive / Matisse Place. Users will be required to monitor and report on an, at least, annual basis.

·         Demonstrate how the activity will meet parking and traffic management requirements based on the available 24 on-site car parks

·         Identify alternative transport arrangements and how these will be prioritised, i.e. bussing, walking, scootering or biking

·         Demonstrate how safety of park users/pedestrians will be met, particularly at the entrance to the facility, i.e. how will pedestrians be protected from vehicles

·         Include a proposed programme schedule which will align with transport plans during each day, week, term and year



·         Activity should minimise use of vehicles and need for parking on surrounding streets

·         Activity will not amplify current vehicle parking issues, and preferably improve the current situation if possible. Safety improvements actioned to ensure risk of vehicles endangering park users is minimised

·         Proposed schedule of activity is balanced to ensure there is no transport congestion during peak times


Provide a sustainable financial model

·         Provide a clear operating model which identifies projected cash-flow, management of the facility and the ability to fund all ongoing operational and maintenance costs

·         Be able to fund the future removal of the building with guaranteed funds tagged specifically to this

·         Include potential ongoing costs of Travel Demand Management and monitoring requirements


·         Operational, maintenance, landscaping and upkeep of the facility will be the responsibility of the user

·         No risk to ratepayers for removal of facility through guaranteed funds specifically for this purpose


Demonstrate alignment with Council, community and national priorities

·         Activity within the facility must meet the permitted use outlined in the Park Management Plan

·         Activity should promote diversity and inclusion through community recreation

·         Use should encourage partnerships within the community

·         Deliver active and sustainable transportation outcomes

·         Only activity within the permitted use can occur within the facility

·         Community involvement and outreach provides benefits

·         Providing recreation and sport opportunities to the community




  1. The applicants are expected to engage a specialist in the development, and ongoing monitoring and review of Access Management and Travel Demand Management Plans
  2. Transport and financial plans will be reviewed by Council
  3. Lease conditions will be enforceable following mediation

Previous project communication

2 July 2021: Apollo Projects Centre information session

The Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board has approved the continuation of the Apollo Projects Centre Request For Proposal (RFP) process to see if a community recreation group can meet criteria to take over the high performance facility in Jellie Park.

Recommendations approved by the Community Board on Monday 14 June include a request to staff to identify whether there are ways to address issues raised during community consultation.

The project team is organising an information session to talk about these possible solutions and the next steps.

At: The Apollo Projects Centre in Jellie Park

When: Monday, 12 July at 4.30pm

This update will include a brief presentation and an opportunity for discussions.

 More information about the project is in the staff report(external link) and minutes of the Community Board meeting.(external link)

3 June 2021: Consultation - future of Apollo Projects Centre

We consulted the local community on the future of the Apollo Project Centre from 22 April to 13 May 2021.

Of the 26 responses received:

·       11 supported use of the Apollo Centre by a community recreation group

·       Five did not support its use by a community recreation group

·       10 indicated that their view on any future use of the building was dependent on how current issues would be resolved

Those who supported the Apollo Centre’s lease to a community or recreation group referred to various community and sporting uses, including a centre for community groups, youth or elderly people. Two sporting groups commented on their need for facilities.

The main issues raised by those who had concerns about the Apollo’s future use by a community or recreation group were:

1.       Parking-related issues on Chateau Drive and Matisse Place, close to the Apollo Centre

2.       The building, purpose built for High Performance Sport NZ after the 2011 earthquakes, was intended to be temporary

3.       More information was needed on any future users, how current issues would be addressed, and the decision-making process.

Consultation report [PDF, 23 KB](external link)

Submissions [PDF, 31 KB](external link)

Responses to issues and submitters' questions [PDF, 18 KB](external link)

The staff recommendation in the report

Staff recommend that the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board:

1.             Approve the completion of the Apollo Projects Centre Request for Proposal (RfP) process.  (This would be the second stage of the RfP process.)

2.             Request staff identify whether there are potential mitigations for the issues raised through the community consultation

Note: The names of organisations and groups that have submitted proposals are not included in the staff report on the first stage of the process. 

Meeting details and decision-making process

A staff report will be presented to the Waimairi-Fendalton Harewood Community Board

Date: 14 June 2021

Time: 4.30pm

Venue: Community Board boardroom, Fendalton Service Centre, corner of Jeffreys Road and

Clyde Road, Fendalton

You can read the meeting agenda, including the staff report and any additional information, from Friday 11 June online at christchurch.infocouncil.biz(external link)(external link).

 Project process and timeframes

Submitters will receive an update on the Community Board’s decision.

If the project proceeds to the second stage of the Request for Proposal process, the project team will organise a meeting for submitters and other affected stakeholders to discuss issues raised and possible ways these could be addressed.

If at the conclusion of the Request for Proposal process staff recommend to the Community Board that a new lease is granted, then further community consultation will occur at that stage prior to any decision being made.  This is a requirement of the Reserves Act.  If this occurs it is likely to be during the fourth quarter of this year.

22 April 2021: Tell us what you think

The existing owner, High Performance Sport New Zealand (HPSNZ), will be moving into Parakiore Recreation and Sports Centre when it opens next to Hagley Park.

The large centre behind the Jellie Park Pool was originally intended to be a temporary building to provide facilities for high performance teams and athletes after the 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. 

Now the Council must decide what should happen to the building and determine whether it could be retained.

We want to find out if the community supports a recreation group using and taking full responsibility for the facility, which includes a full-sized indoor netball court, a strength and conditioning gym, 40-metre running track, showers, offices and meeting spaces.

We’ve just completed an initial Request for Proposal process where we received early submissions from interested community recreation groups. At this stage we can’t name these groups as we’re still considering their applications.

The type of groups that could lease the facility is determined by the Jellie Park Management Plan and Reserves Act 1977 and could include community sports groups such as basketball, netball, gymnastics; cultural groups; accessibility groups; or sports/fitness providers.

Talk to the team

If you would like to discuss this project with the team, please join us.

Date: Tuesday 4 May 2021

Time: Anytime between 4pm and 6pm

Location: Apollo Centre entrance, behind Jellie Park Pool, off Ilam Road 

Facilities at the high performance centre

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Who to contact

Jennie Hamilton,
Engagement Advisor

How the decision is made

  • Closed for feedback

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