HMNZS Steadfast draft landscape plan

We welcome your feedback on a draft landscape plan for HMNZS Steadfast, above Cass Bay. The plan will help ensure ongoing community access to the park and buildings, including new Council use agreements with longstanding occupant TS Godley (Sea Cadets).

Project status: Closed for feedback
Open for feedback: 13 April 2021 to 10 May 2021

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Update November 2021 

Consultation on the draft landscape plan, was followed by further consultation on the tracks proposal within the plan.

For information about both consultations including the landscape plan and associated tracks plan for Community Board approval, go to the Have Your Say Page for the HMNZS Steadfast tracks proposal 

You can download the two sections of the plan

Section A [PDF, 5.9 MB]

Section B [PDF, 6.1 MB]

What are we planning

A public notification in 2020 inviting comment on a proposal to sell the ex-naval buildings in the park to TS Godley (Sea Cadets) with a ground lease led to a request from the community for a plan for the whole reserve, before deciding on the future of the buildings.

In response to this request we have worked with representatives from Cass Bay Residents’ Association, the Reserves Management Committee, TS Godley, and Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke to prepare a draft landscape plan for your feedback.

The draft plan is in two parts (main section and lower section of the park), and includes suggested priorities and actions for park development, access, and use.

The draft landscape plan responds to feedback about

  • how the natural environment of the site can be best developed and managed
  • management of the heritage landscape and features
  • the need for better public access
  • community use of the buildings
  • longstanding use of part of the park as an eco-sourced plant nursery
  • car parking provision
  • establishing walking links and circuits

Current use and care of the ex-naval buildings

TS Godley has used the ex-naval buildings at HMNZS Steadfast for over 50 years for training and weekend camps. However, they have never had formal tenure with either the Council or previous central government owners. Meanwhile, a range of community groups have also used the building for community meetings and as a civil defence emergency base.

With some help from the Council, TS Godley have generally managed and maintained the buildings, but their condition has slowly deteriorated and they need upgrading. TS Godley have offered to undertake repairs at their cost if they can secure long-term tenure to justify investment of their own funds and enable applications for community funding.

To date, TS Godley and community representatives (Cass Bay Residents Association) have worked together to develop a Memorandum of Understanding establishing a framework for shared use of the buildings to be attached to a possible lease to TS Godley.

Come and talk to us

We’ll be on site at HMNZS Steadfast between 3pm and 5pm on Tuesday 20 April.

Join us from the west (main) entrance off Governors Bay Road in Cass Bay.

Next steps

  • Consultation on the Draft HMNZS Steadfast Landscape Plan is open until Monday 10 May.
  • Staff will consider all feedback and any changes will be incorporated in the final plan for approval.
  • A staff report requesting approval of the final plan will go to the Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū/Banks Peninsula Community Board in mid-2021.  
  • The report will also include a suggested process to consider options for a community nursery in the park as shown on the plan.
  • A separate staff report will be put to the Community Board with recommendations regarding tenure of the buildings 

The Cass Bay Residents’ Association have indicated they would like to have a Maori name for the park, and that it should be formally gazetted as a reserve.

Implementing the landscape plan

We will develop an implementation plan following the approval of the landscape plan. This document will set out what development can occur within existing budgets, and which projects may require funding requests through the Long Term Plan and Annual Plan processes.

We are looking at the following indicative stages of implementation once the community board has adopted the plan, confirmed the building use agreement, and subject to funding and resource availability:

Quick wins
  • Consultation
  • Board report and approval
  • Improve public access
  • Mown and/or poled routes
  • Formalise building use agreement
  • TS Godley funded building repairs
  • Drill & poison problem woody weeds
  • Clean-out of derelict buildings
Short-medium term
  • Heritage assessment of wider site
  • Cultural narrative to inform design
  • Repair/heritage restoration plan
  • Continue riparian planting
  • Formalise nursery
  • Establish native forest patches
  • Natural forest regeneration
  • Staged repair of bunkers etc
  • Ongoing management
  • Signage & interpretation


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Who to contact

Philippa Upton,
Engagement Advisor

How the decision is made

  • Closed for feedback

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