Branston Park play area renewal

The play equipment and half basketball court at Branston Park are nearing the end of their useful life. We would like to hear your thoughts on the new playground concept and equipment.

Project status: Closed for feedback
Open for feedback: 31 March 2021 to 26 April 2021

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Consultation has now closed

People were able to provide feedback from 31 March to 26 April 2021. 

During this time we heard from 34 individuals and groups. You can read their feedback. [PDF, 22 KB] As a result of the feedback received some updates were made to the plan [PDF, 971 KB] to include community views.

The Waipuna/Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board approved the staff report at their meeting on Tuesday 19 October 2021.  Construction is now programmed for late May/June 2022.

In response to consultation feedback, requesting more play equipment for younger children, some of the play equipment was changed. The proposed tightrope, crawl net and turbo challenge which were less popular have been removed. In place of these we have added a slack line, fantail carousal and a double slide. All of these are more suitable for younger children.


It is time for a play area refresh

All the existing equipment will be removed and replaced. The new playground will remain in the general area where it is now and the basketball court will be renewed in its current location.

There are a number of other playgrounds in Hornby with standard play equipment so there is an opportunity for the play area at Branston Park to be different. 

We are planning to set out the play equipment like an obstacle course so children can challenge themselves to complete the progressively more difficult obstacles. 

The new play area [JPG, 254 KB] will also include:

  • A swing set in a similar location
  • Additional seating area near the half basketball court

Next steps

The project team will consider all feedback and make a  recommendation to the  Waipuna/Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board. If approved, construction of the playground is expected to start mid 2021, subject to weather conditions and contractor availability.


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Who to contact

Kim Swarbrick,
Engagement Advisor

How the decision is made

  • Closed for feedback

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