Proposed Plan Change 4: Short-term accommodation submission

Calling for further submissions on a proposed change to the Christchurch District Plan relating to short-term accommodation in residential, papakāinga and rural zones.

Project status: Closed
Consultation open: 26 November 2020 to 10 December 2020

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Proposed Plan Change 4 includes the following changes:

  1. change the resource consent requirements for visitor accommodation in a house or unit in most residential, rural and papakāinga zones, particularly where a host is not living there.
    • In residential zones, instead of requiring a Discretionary activity resource consent for unhosted visitor accommodation in a residential dwelling, the changes would require a Controlled activity resource consent for 1-60 days, Discretionary for 61-180 and Non-complying for more than 180 days.
    • In rural zones, unhosted visitor accommodation in a residential dwelling would be a permitted activity for the first 180 days.
    • For hosted visitor accommodation in a residential dwelling, additional standards would also apply limiting late-night arrivals and departures and the size of functions.
  2. amend other rules to enable a residential dwelling to be used for visitor accommodation for a limited number of days per year without triggering commercial parking and vehicle access requirements.
  3. amend the objectives and policies for residential zones so commercial-type visitor accommodation is primarily directed to commercial areas; 
  4. update the “residential activity” definition to clarify the status of home exchanges, house-sits and serviced apartments.
  5. change rules for visitor accommodation associated with farms or recreation/conservation activities (e.g. huts/tents around cycling and walking tracks), managing the sizes, types and locations of structures used in some situations. 
  6. for heritage buildings protected under the District Plan, a resource consent would be not required to accommodate up to ten guests if a host is living there. Unhosted visitor accommodation for up to ten guests would be a ‘Controlled activity’ without night limits. 
  7. in the Accommodation and Community Facilities Overlay, limit the scale of activities secondary to visitor accommodation (e.g. conference facilities, gyms restaurants etc.) to be more consistent with the existing rules in the Residential Visitor Accommodation Zone and most commercial zones.

Read more on this plan change(external link).

Make a further submission

  • Download a further submission form [PDF, 54 KB]
  • Pick up a submission form from library or service centres
  • Email your feedback to
  • Post a letter to: Freepost 178, City Planning Team, PO Box 73012, Christchurch 8154 (no stamp required)
  • Deliver to the Civic Offices at 53 Hereford Street. To ensure we receive last-minute submissions on time, please hand-deliver them to the Civic Offices.

If you are making a further submission in support or opposition, you are required to serve a copy of your further submission on the person whose original submission is supported or opposed no later than five working days after the day on which the further submission is provided to the Council.

Here is a helpful guide [PDF, 505 KB] to making a submission and further submission.  For further submission information please refer to page 12 of the document.

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  • Closed

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