Akaroa treated wastewater options

We are building a new wastewater system for Akaroa. We are seeking feedback on what to do with the highly treated wastewater.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 20 July 2020 to 24 August 2020

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Consultation has now closed

Consultation on the Akaroa treated wastewater project has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 20 July to 24 August 2020.

During this time we heard from 341 individuals and groups. 

Akaroa treated wastewater submissions [PDF, 751 KB]

Attachments to submissions [PDF, 17 MB]

Hearings and decision-making meeting 

A staff report has been presented to the hearings panel for consideration.  Following all hearing meetings, the panel will make a recommendation to the Councillors and Mayor, who will make the final decision on this project. 

Hearing agenda(external link)

Heard submissions and not heard submissions(external link)

Schedule of submissions and additional submissions(external link)

The hearings are open to the public and will be taking place on:

  • Monday 12 October, 9am, Gaiety Hall, Rue Jolie, Akaroa
  • Tuesday 13 October, 12.30 pm, Gaiety Hall, Rue Jolie, Akaroa
  • Friday 16 October, 2 pm, Council Chambers, Level 2, Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street, Christchurch

Deliberations, where the panel work on their recommendation is due to take place on:

  • Wednesday 28 October, 2pm Council Chambers, Level 2, Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street, Christchurch.  This is also open to the public and it will be live streamed to the boardroom in the Council service centre in Akaroa.

The hearings panel comprises of five elected members - City Councillors Pauline Cotter, Mike Davidson,  and Sara Templeton, and Banks Peninsula Community Board members Nigel Harrison and Tori Peden.  

You can read the minutes(external link) from the hearings panel meeting which includes the hearing panel recommendation and the attachments to the minutes(external link).  The hearings panel report with their recommendation will be presented to the Councillors and Mayor for a  final decision on 10 December 2020. This meeting is a public meeting, so anyone is welcome to attend.  This meeting will also be live streamed(external link) from the Council website.

Update: 12 October 2020

Our legal Services Unit have provided a memo [PDF, 597 KB] to the Akaroa Treated Wastewater Options Hearings Panel about the legal context of the Ngāi Tahu parties’ submission on the 'discharge to harbour' option. 

 We are building a new wastewater system for Akaroa. In our Long Term Plan 2018 to 2028 we budgeted $35 million for this work, which includes a new wastewater treatment plant, upgrades to pipes and pump stations, and a new system for disposing of treated wastewater.

Akaroa’s current wastewater treatment plant and harbour outfall are in a culturally and historically sensitive place and they are old and need to be replaced. Doing nothing is not an option.

We already have consents for the new wastewater treatment plant to be built on Old Coach Road and for the new pump station in the boat park at Childrens Bay.

We are seeking feedback only on what to do with the highly treated wastewater when it leaves the plant.


The environment around Akaroa township features a harbour, steep slip-prone hillsides and soils with poor drainage. This limits our treated wastewater disposal options.

We have worked with the Ngāi Tahu parties and the Akaroa Treated Wastewater Reuse Options Working Party (working
party) on the four options outlined in this booklet.

The Ngāi Tahu parties we refer to are Ōnuku Rūnanga, Te Rūnanga o Koukourarata, Wairewa Rūnanga, the Akaroa Taiāpure Management Committee and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.

The working party comprises two members of the Banks Peninsula Community Board, Banks Peninsula Councillor Andrew Turner, two representatives each from Ōnuku Rūnanga and Te Rūnanga o Koukourarata, members representing various communities of the peninsula, and an independent chairperson. It was established by the Banks Peninsula Community Board to help us investigate land-based alternatives to discharging treated wastewater into Akaroa Harbour.

The working party noted that getting to this point, with four final options, was a long and difficult process. Our consultant’s technical report, detailed maps, the working party’s terms of reference, its joint statement [PDF, 6.5 MB], the Ngāi Tahu parties’ statement [PDF, 629 KB], and other information about this project are available on our Have Your Say website. This is a summary of the options developed from that information.

There is also a booklet with this information, it is available to view at service centres and libraries or you can view it online [PDF, 2.1 MB]

What we're asking

Come and talk to us

Gaiety Hall supper room, Rue Jolie, Akaroa
Sunday 2 August
2pm to 3.30pm

Civic Offices, first floor meeting room (opposite the function room)
53 Hereford Street, Christchurch
Tuesday 4 August
5.30pm to 7pm

Gaiety Hall supper room, Rue Jolie, Akaroa
Monday 10 August
5.30pm to 7pm

Key considerations

About wastewater

The four options

The Mayor and Councillors will be asked to select one of our four options as the new wastewater disposal scheme for Akaroa. In the following pages we explain each option in more detail, with a map for each option. There will be information sessions in Akaroa and Christchurch during the consultation period. Staff will be available at these sessions to discuss the proposals and to answer questions.

The four options at a glance

Common to all four options

Common to the three land-based options

Inner Bays Irrigation Scheme

Goughs Bay Irrigation Scheme

Pompeys Pillar Irrigation Scheme

Harbour Outfall Scheme

Views on the four options

Future opportunities 

With each option there are opportunities for future enhancement, for example by adding:

  • Ecological restoration projects
  • Firefighting hydrants along the pipe route and/or for supply to fire tanks or fire ponds (land-based options, particularly Goughs Bay and Pompeys Pillar schemes)
  • Enhancement of visitor information at the historic sawmill site (Inner Bays scheme)
  • Educational information on wastewater management and habitat enhancement
  • Food forest and/or orchard, community gardens (land-based options, particularly Inner Bays scheme)
  • Non-potable reuse by properties along the pipe route
  • Non-potable reuse via purple pipe by properties throughout Akaroa
  • Offset carbon footprint by planting trees or buying carbon credits (harbour outfall scheme)

Additional Information

There is historic information on the Akaroa Wastewater project available on our website(external link)

View commonly asked questions [PDF, 71 KB]

View a web friendly version of the booklet

View the full Working Party Statement

View the full Ngāi Tahu Statement

The technical BECA report [PDF, 9.1 MB]

The technical BECA report appendices can be accessed from Google Drive(external link)

((external link)external link).

The stream ecology report can be accessed from Google Drive(external link)

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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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