Rosewarne Street proposed parking changes

To address access issues we're proposing some parking changes along Rosewarne Street.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 26 November 2019 to 16 December 2019

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Update – 2/06/2020 - Consultation has closed 

Consultation on the Rosewarne Street proposed parking changes has now closed. You can find more information here:

 On 2 June 2020 Community Board approved the report. The project implementation is likely to begin August 2020.

In response to concerns from local residents about speeding and driveway access issues we're proposing to make some parking changes along Rosewarne Street. Our waste management and emergency vehicles also have problems getting down the street. 

What we're proposing

Currently, there's P15 parking restrictions on one side of Rosewarne Street. We're proposing to change this by introducing yellow no stopping lines on alternating sides of the street (see image below).

Benefits include:

  • Assists in slowing down traffic.
  • Residents driveway access is improved.
  • Better access for emergency and waste management vehicles.

Plan details


Event  Date
Consultation opens 26 November 2019
Consultation closes 16 December 2019
Decision meeting February 2020
Changes implemented (subject to approval) March 2020

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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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