Development options for Naval Point

We are proposing to make some improvements to Naval Point and we’d like to receive your feedback.

Project status: Closed for feedback
Open for feedback: 27 June 2019 to 28 July 2019

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Work is currently being carried out to create the draft plan, which will be presented to the community at open information sessions once complete. The draft plan will go to the Te Pātataka o Rākaihautū/Banks Peninsula Community Board for approval, with the public able to make deputations to the board.

The plan also requires Council approval on aspects such as the Magazine Bay Marina and the acquisition of land.

Consultation has now closed

Consultation on the Naval Point development options has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 27 June to 28 July 2019. During this time we heard from 307 individuals and groups. The table of consultation feedback [PDF, 639 KB] is now available. 

Attachments(external link)

A summary of the most common feedback [PDF, 509 KB] themes arising.

 The Council is proposing to make some improvements to Naval Point. We’d like your feedback on options proposed that will help make Naval Point a water-focused public space with access to Whakaraupō/Lyttelton Harbour, that everyone can enjoy, while also improving existing onsite recreational assets.


Photo of Naval Point

Naval Point

Naval Point is an important marine and recreational asset for Lyttelton and the region and includes one of the few all tide water access points for Christchurch. The area is also one of the only flat recreation areas in and around Whakaraupō/Lyttelton and acts as a natural draw for the public.

Minimal work has been carried out to the wider Naval Point area in recent years, but it has been identified as one the Council wishes to improve and develop. Funding was made available through the 2018 – 2028 Long Term Plan for a Naval Point Development Plan.

We are proposing two options for the site, which have been developed following discussions with key stakeholders and site research carried out over the last four years.

Once we have a preferred option we will then be able to start more detailed planning and costings for the development of Naval Point, which will go out for further public consultation in 2020.


We want to make Naval Point a water-focused public space providing access to Whakaraupo/Lyttelton Harbour for everyone to enjoy, while also improving existing onsite recreational assets.

Benefits of developing the area will include:

  • Naval Point becoming an improved regional recreation facility;
  • safer boating facilities and improved access to Whakaraupō/Lyttelton Harbour;
  • a new home for the Coastguard and Naval Point Club;
  • improvements to recreation and sporting facilities located at the Lyttelton Recreation Ground;
  • improvement of public access (pedestrian, cycle and vehicle) to and throughout Naval Point; and
  • recognition of its cultural significance.

Background and acknowledgements

The need for a Naval Point Development Plan was first identified through the Lyttelton Master Plan 2012 and again in the Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan 2015.

Community consultation was carried out in 2017 and 2018 through drop-in sessions, site surveys, previous Have Your Say consultation and discussions with user groups. A series of background reports have also been carried out on Naval Point in recent years, assessing the area for things such as cultural values, risks, archaeological significance and how it fits into the greater plan for sport in Greater Christchurch.

The two options being proposed in this consultation have been developed based on the previous background work carried out, as well as more recent work with: Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke, mana whenua for the area; users of the site; and other key stakeholders. These stakeholders include sports clubs, Naval Point Club, the Harbourmaster, the Lyttelton Port Company and the Coast Guard.

We thank all those who have helped inform the options and look forward to receiving feedback from these groups, and the wider community, as we start the exciting development of Naval Point. 

Options overview 

Both options will improve boating and general public safety at Naval Point and make it more accessible to the wider community.

Option Two proposes Council acquiring a 1.2 hectare piece of land, which would give the site better configuration for development.

Common elements in both options include:

  • a reorganised waterfront area, with the aim of improving access to the water for a range of marine uses and making it safer for boating by increasing protection for the launch and retrieval of vessels in most weather conditions;
  • an upgrade of parking areas and removal of fencing to create a more open and accessible site to the public;
  • the removal of the full Magazine Bay Marina, with one finger of the jetty retained for public use. This would allow for short-term, temporary (day) berthing for up to 12 smaller vessels, and could be used for fishing or diving off for recreational swimmers;
  • the combining of Naval Point Club and the Coastguard building into a new and relocated facility that more fully meets the needs of both organisations;
  • the addition of a ramp for use by the coastguard which will improve emergency response times;
  • the retention of the Naval Point Club ramp and tie off structure in its existing location for continued use by club members;
  • the expansion of the public ramp to four lanes, with separation between the lanes and a tie off structure built to handle increased capacity and make it easier to launch and retrieve vessels;
  • the addition of a public hand launching ramp for hand launch craft such as waka, stand up paddle boards and small sailing boats;
  • the provision of an additional rigging area adjacent to the hand launch and public ramp to support marine activities such as learn to sail, waka launching and kayaking;
  • the retention of windsurfing ramps and access in their current location;
  • storage areas for all clubs are shown temporarily to the west side of the site, with final configuration and lease arrangements to be determined following preferred option development;
  • the relocation of public toilets, although the location is indicative only in these options and additional facilities may be required;
  • allocation of space for the future development of a multi-sport court area;
  • the addition of indicative activity zones for future youth and active play areas, with activities to be determined through future consultation and ongoing discussion with Lyttelton youth groups; and
  • the removal of the current haul-out area at the site, with a new more suitable location to be identified.

Option One

This option is based on development of the site in its current configuration and does not require Council to acquire additional land.

Elements specific to Option 1 include: 

  • access to the site via Charlotte Jane Quay;
  • creating pedestrian connections along Godley Quay and Charlotte Jane Quay, as well as along the waterfront and to key site activities;
  • construction of a breakwater structure to give partial marine protection for the public ramp. The breakwater structure would improve the safety of, and access to, the public ramp but would not allow for permanent berthing;
  • the scout building being retained in existing location;
  • the existing Lyttelton Recreation Ground being retained in its current configuration, with a new rugby pavilion building to be relocated to the south side of the field; and
  • approximately 270 car and boat parks.


  • Boating safety is a priority.
  • Option One is less expensive than Option Two.
  • The scout building is able to be retained in its same location.


  • Does not fully allow for existing use or the potential growth of marine recreational activities at Naval Point in support of Canterbury boating.
  • It may be more difficult to park in peak times, such as rugby season and during the busy summer boating and marine recreation season. 

Option Two

This option is based on Council acquiring 1.2 hectares of additional land, which would give the site better configuration for development.

Elements specific to Option Two include: 

  • Council acquiring 1.2 hectares of  additional land. This would provide improved safety and amenity to support marine, recreation and community activities at Naval Point;
  • a circular access route off Charlotte Jane Quay, allowing for better access to and through the site;
  • creating pedestrian connections along Godley Quay and the rail corridor, as well as along the waterfront and to key site activities;
  • floating breakwater construction to provide increased safety and a greater degree of usability for the area and extend the use of Naval Point marine facilities. The breakwater structure would improve the safety of, and access to, Naval Point but would not allow for permanent berthing;
  • the floating breakwater would also protect the onshore investment and reduce risks to marine structures, both existing and proposed, at Naval Point;
  • the relocation of the scout building, with a new location to be confirmed in future Naval Point development planning phases and in coordination with scouting groups;
  • the reorientation of Lyttelton Recreation Ground, which will provide increased parking for the users of the sporting facilities;
  • the relocation of the Rugby Club pavilion to the west of the existing field; and
  • approximately 400 car and boat parks.


  • Increased land area allowing for greater connectivity for public and community recreation.
  • Increased capacity built into the area for the future growth of marine and recreational activities.
  • Better connectivity for pedestrians and vehicles to and from the site.
  • Addition of an emergency access route along the rail corridor, which will also be used as a pedestrian and cycle route.
  • Additional parking areas to meet already high traffic volumes during peak times such as rugby season and during the busy summer boating and marine recreation season.


  • Option Two is more expensive than Option One based on costs associated with the proposal to extend the floating breakwater, rotate the sports fields and the addition of roading infrastructure. There is also the potential for costs associated in acquiring the 1.2 hectares of additional land.

Project Funding

The development of Naval Point has been identified as an important and significant investment for the Council over many years.

Funding of $10.65M has been set aside for the project through the 2018 – 2028 Long Term Plan. This will cover a portion of the costs required to fulfil the long-term vision for the area, with additional funding to be sought in future Long Term Plans as the project is completed in phases.

Both options outlined will require significant funding, although option two will be the most expensive due to the costs associated with the extended floating breakwater, rotation of the sports fields and addition of roading infrastructure.

More detailed costings, including operational costs, will be made once Council have a preferred option to work with. These will be formalised in the Naval Point Development Plan and shared with the public through future public consultation.

Cultural importance of Naval Point

Whakaraupō/Lyttelton Harbour is within Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū/Banks Peninsula and is historically significant to mana whenua and Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Magazine Bay photo

Magazine Bay

We have worked closely with Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke to develop these options, as Naval Point and the Magazine Bay Marina fall within the ancestral lands and thetakiwā of Ngāti Wheke.

Research previously prepared for the site identified the significance of the coastline, including individual sections around the wider Naval Point area such as Cliff Cove, Magazine Bay and Dampier Bay, as being used as waka landing sites. This coastline is within a Ngā Tūranga Tūpuna area.

Ngāti Wheke require that any proposed activity has no adverse impact on both cultural values and, on, or into, the coastal marine waters and environment. They also ask, that where possible, improvements to the coastal marine area should be undertaken.

Staff are working with Ngāti Wheke on a Māori name for the site, which will be shared with the public once confirmed.

Additional land

Option Two would result in Christchurch City Council considering options to acquire an additional 1.2 hectares of land, which would ultimately make the site safer and more accessible.

If Council was successful in acquiring the land, it would improve accessibility to Naval Point with the addition of a secondary access to the site.  It would also create a better configuration of land to support marine as well as recreational activities on the site, as well as allowing for pedestrian access along the former rail users and the wider public. As part of this work Council would explore whether the cost of the additional land could be offset by disposing of some of its land in the vicinity.options to acquire an additional 1.2 hectares of land, which would ultimately make the site safer and more accessible.

Acquiring the land would be an independent process from this consultation.



The two options that are being proposed for the development of Naval Point do not include the Magazine Bay Marina.

MArina photo

Photo of the marina at Naval Point

This has been based on:

  • the current condition of the marina and the need for significant and ongoing investment to upgrade and maintain it;
  • the recent development of Te Ana Marina by the Lyttelton Port Company, which was established as a part of the Lyttelton Port Recovery Plan to replace the facilities at Magazine Bay;
  • feedback from the Harbourmaster on the risks associated with the current structure;
  • the cultural importance of the area and the significant impact that infrastructure improvements would have on it; and
  • the opportunity to create a public amenity that can be used by the wider community.

The options propose retaining a small portion of the marina as a jetty for public use. However, the long-term future of the marina is a Council decision and will be presented to elected members following consultation with the public and feedback from the Banks Peninsula Community Board.

Necessary structural repair works are underway during 2019 to a finger of the marina, which will allow current berth holders to remain in Magazine Bay until a final decision is made by Council. There is currently no specific time frame associated with the proposed removal of the marina and how the retained portion of the structure could be utilised for better public accessibility in the future.

You are able to give feedback on the future of the marina as part of this consultation process. This feedback will be included in recommendations that will go to Council for a final decision on the marina. 

Have your say

This consultation on Naval Point development options 1 & 2 is the first of two rounds of consultation that are being done to inform the Naval Point Development Plan. Your feedback from this first round of consultation is important as it will help us to create the Draft Naval Point Development Plan, where the public will again have the opportunity to comment on the proposal through  a second round of consultation. The Draft Naval Point Development Plan may be a combination of elements from both options 1 &2 so please let us know, in your submission, what elements you like most and least from both options.

It is hoped the Draft Naval Point Development Plan, which will go into much more detail than these option plans, will be ready for public consultation mid 2020.

Information sessions

Naval Point Development Plan Presentation
Tuesday 2 July 7:00pm 
Trinity Hall in the Lyttelton Recreation Centre, Lyttelton

Come and talk to us about these proposed options at the Port Talk Office, London Street, Lyttelton 
Wednesday 10 July, 1 - 7pm
Thursday 11 July, 1 - 4pm
Saturday 13 July, 9am – 1pm 

Ongoing updates will be posted on the Naval Point page


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Who to contact

Ann Tomlinson - is the engagement advisor now looking after this project

How the decision is made

  • Closed for feedback

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