Safer speeds in Sumner

We are proposing to permanently change the speed limit in Sumner Village from 50 km/h to 30 km/h, and slow traffic on the residential roads to 40 km/h, to support changes to Sumner Village that will make it more attractive to visit and safer for everyone.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 17 June 2019 to 8 July 2019

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19/09/2019 - Update - Decision made

On Thursday 12 September 2019, Council approved the recommendation of the Waikaura/Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board to change the speed limit from 50 km/h to 30 km/h in Sumner Village and to 40 km/h on the surrounding roads. 

An additional recommendation from the Community Board for Evans Pass Road (from the 60 km/h zone) and Wakefield Avenue (up to Nayland Street) to remain at 50 km/h was also approved.

You can view the 12 September Council meeting minutes, which include the formal resolutions, online at link)  

The new speed limits will come into effect in the next few weeks following the completion of the Sumner Village Centre improvements.

Consultation is now closed

Consultation on the Safer speeds in Sumner proposal is now closed and we received feedback from 189 individuals and groups. 

Around 155 submitters expressed support for some form of speed reduction, with 128 supporting the 30 km/h reduction in the village and 96 submitters supporting the 40 km/h speed reduction. A total of 87 submitters are in support of both the proposed speed limit changes.

Twenty five submitters oppose the 30 km/h and 52 don't agree with the 40 km/h proposal, with 23 submitters opposing both the 30 km/h and 40 km/h speed limit reduction.

You can find out more here:

Feedback on the proposal  [PDF, 1.6 MB]

Key issues and project team responses [PDF, 434 KB] 

The plan for Council approval [PDF, 303 KB] 

We planned to trial a 30 km/h speed limit change in Sumner Village, but a nationwide NZTA review has confirmed the need for Council to consult with the community about permanent speed limit reductions. NZTA speed management guidelines also recommend slowing traffic on residential roads and we are proposing to set speed limits to 40 km/h on the surrounding Sumner roads. 

Why review the speed limits 

We want to make Christchurch roads as safe as possible so we are reviewing speed limits across the city’s road network where there are concerns they are not safe or appropriate.

Lowering the speed limit to 30 km/h through Sumner Village is expected to

  • help make the village safer for all road users and pedestrians.
  • make drivers aware they are entering a village environment.

40 km/h on the residential roads is being introduced to improve safety on roads where people live.

We are also consulting on safer speeds in central Woolston.
Safer speeds in Woolston Village

Setting speed limits

The Christchurch City Council's Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017 allows Council to set and change speed limits on roads within Christchurch in accordance with the Speed Management Guide(external link) and the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2017(external link). Consultation is a required part of the process.

The decision-making process

The  Community Boards will consider all comments  on the plan and hear from those who ask to speak at the  meeting. They will then make a recommendation to Council, who will decide whether to approve the changes. We  will keep submitters informed.

Additional information

You may also be interested in these supporting documents - Safer Journeys (New Zealand Road Safety Strategy 2010 - 2020)(external link), and the Ministry of Transport's Speed Crash Facts(external link).

Come talk to the team

We will be at the main floor of the Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre on Thursday 27 June 4.30 - 6pm.


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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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