Bays area skate and scooter park design ideas

We would like to collect your ideas on what to include in the draft design for the permanent skate and scooter park in Sumner. We would also like to understand how the community would like to use the land beside the skate park.

Project status: Closed for feedback
Open for feedback: 18 April 2019 to 20 May 2019

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Skate project

In December 2018 the Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board approved 26 Nayland Street as a site for the Bays area skate and scooter park.  We are now ready to collect some feedback from the community on design ideas for this project.  We need the community to tell us about their favourite skate or scooter elements so that we can then put together a draft plan that we will ask for further feedback on.

We are holding a community workshop

Date:  Wednesday 8 May 2019

Time:  6 pm to 7.30 pm

Location:  Matuku Takotako Sumner Centre (upstairs), 14 - 16 Wakefield Avenue.

 This will be an interactive workshop, so attendees can choose a work area to get creative in.  Either by molding some skate elements using plastacine or play dough, drawing them or writing about them.  There will also be a display table and wall for those who want to bring along their own models or favourite photos.

Our skate park designer Richard from Rich Landscapes will also be on hand to help with any advice on your designs or to help answer any technical questions.Image of boy skate boarding

Vacant land next door to 26 Nayland Street

We are also interested in seeking community feedback on what to do with the vacant land next to the skate area.  This area is indicated in the Sumner Village Centre Master Plan as a car park, but we would like to check in with the community to find out if this is still something the community wants, or would they prefer it had another purpose.  While we do not currently have any funding to complete work in this area, it is important that we ensure both the skate area and this area work well together.

At the workshop there will be an aerial image of the area so you can post up any ideas for this vacant piece of land.

If you are unable to make the workshop

If you are unable to make the workshop, then you can also provide us with your feedback online (scroll down the page).  Or you can fill in a paper submission form that will be available at Matuku Takotako Sumner Centre.  Or you can print one off and put it in the post to us for free. 

You can also upload any of your favourite design ideas on the Sumner Green and Skate Area Facebook page(external link)

Please ensure your feedback reaches us before 5 pm on Monday 20 May 2019.

Submission form


Once we have a draft design we will be inviting the community to provide feedback on this, it may then result in further changes to the plan.  The final plan is then expected to be presented to the Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board for approval in early 2020.  If approved we would then be aiming to get work underway to build the skate and scooter park in the spring of 2020.

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How the decision is made

  • Closed for feedback

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