Head to Head Walkway - Orton Bradley Park to Charteris Bay

We are seeking public opinion on Orton Bradley Park to Charteris Bay route options to help us make a decision about how to best align this section of the Head to Head Walkway.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 7 February 2019 to 7 March 2019

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Update June 2020

Hello, staff investigations relating to route and engineering requirements are still underway for this project. 

Consultation has now closed

Updated 23 May 2019

Consultation on Head to Head Walkway has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 7 February 2019 to 7 March 2019. During this time we heard from 72 individuals and groups. You can read the responses received [PDF, 290 KB]. Some additional late submissions have been received taking the new total to 75.

Staff have considered the responses and a report has been prepared for Community Board decision on the section between Paradise Beach and Charteris Bay Yacht Club. The meeting date is 2 September 2019 and staff will contact all submitters to inform about meeting date, times and how to seek speaking rights if desired. Further investigations relating to engineering and costings are still underway for the remaining section.


Overview of Head to Head Walkway


The Head to Head Walkway is a proposed recreation track being developed in stages to extend from Awaroa/Godley Head to Te Piaka/Adderley Head. Once complete, the walkway will provide a continuous route around Whakaraupō/Lyttelton Harbour with recreation, coastal access and tourism opportunities for local residents and visitors. Refer to https://www.ccc.govt.nz/rec-and-sport/walks/multi-day-walks/head-to-head-walkway/(external link)

Initiated by the Banks Peninsula Community Board, this walkway is a work in progress. Some sections of the walkway are already available as public walking tracks, other sections are being developed in stages to link existing tracks.

We are currently seeking feedback on route options between Orton Bradley Park and Charteris Bay Yacht Club. Once the preferred route is confirmed we will work on the detailed design in discussion with affected parties.


Photo near Orton Bradley Park

Section of road alongside Orton Bradley Park

Section 1

Orton Bradley Park to Andersons Road/Marine Drive intersection (north)

Option 1a [PDF, 2.3 MB].

A new footpath alongside Marine Drive to Andersons Road / Marine Drive  intersection (south) then alongside Andersons Road to Andersons Road/ Marine Drive intersection (north)


  • Low traffic volumes on Andersons Road
  • Scenic views
  • Will improve pedestrian access for residents as well as Head to Head walkers


  • Requires funding for construction of new footpath with safe separation from traffic

Challenges include negotiating drains, culverts, letterboxes, safe road crossing, driveways, power poles and road signs, vehicle parking, vegetation, some steep banks, vehicle bridge, and narrow space available


Option 1b. [PDF, 2.3 MB]

Similar route to 1a but first part goes inside boundary of Orton Bradley Park to 73 Andersons Road then joins option 1a alongside Andersons Road to Andersons Road/ Marine Drive intersection (north)


  • Partially off-road through Orton Bradley Park and away from traffic
  • Scenic views
  • Will improve pedestrian access for residents as well as Head to Head walkers


  • Requires formal agreement with Orton Bradley Park Board and funding for new track. Costs include track surface, two footbridges, and fenced separation from stock.
  • Requires funding for construction of new footpath on Andersons Road with safe separation from traffic. Challenges include negotiating safe road crossing, driveways, letterboxes, drains, power poles, road signs, off-street parking, vegetation, topography, narrow space.

Note that the option of using Marine Drive from Orton Bradley Park to Traffic Cop corner has been ruled out due to narrowness of road berm, safety concerns, and heavy traffic volumes over a significant distance making for a relatively unpleasant experience compared to Andersons Road.


Section 2

Andersons Road/ Marine Drive intersection (north) to Charteris Bay

 Option 2a [PDF, 2.5 MB].

From Andersons Road, add to footpath heading north along Marine Drive to Charteris Bay Yacht Club entrance


  • Some existing footpath already in place on Marine Drive
  • Improved pedestrian access for local residents as well as Head to Head users along Marine Drive


  • Route is beside road rather than a potentially more enjoyable off-road route
  • Requires funding for additional new footpath
  • Challenges include negotiating safe road crossing, driveways, letterboxes, culvert, power poles, road signs, vehicle parking, vegetation, narrow spaces

Option 2b [PDF, 2.5 MB].

From Andersons Road go south west along Marine Drive to Traffic Cop corner then along shore front to Charteris Bay yacht Club


  • Improved pedestrian access for local residents as well as Head to Head users along short section of Marine Drive
  • Short section of footpath already exists on Marine Drive
  • Existing public toilet and car parking available at Traffic Cop Corner
  • Shore front route is off-road away from traffic


  • Requires funding for new footpath along most of Marine Drive section. Challenges include negotiating safe road crossing, driveways, off-street parking
  • New track required along shore front. Challenges include negotiating private gardens and structures on unformed legal road, vegetation, steep banks, drainage outfalls, stream to be bridged, boat sheds.

 Option 2c [PDF, 2.5 MB].

Mix of options 2a and 2b. From Andersons Road go north along Marine Parade to Paradise Beach then down steps and along shore front to Charteris Bay.


  • Some existing footpath already in place on Marine Drive
  • Improved pedestrian access along small section of Marine Drive for residents and for Head to Head users
  • Shore front section is off-road away from traffic
  • Some sections of shorefront track already exist but need upgrading



  • Some new footpath required on Marine Drive. Challenges include negotiating safe road crossing, driveways, letterboxes, culvert, power poles, road signs, off-street parking, and vegetation.
  • Some new or upgraded track required along shore front. Challenges include negotiating some private structures on unformed legal road, vegetation, steep topography.

The route from the Charteris Bay Yacht Club driveway to the start of the Hays Bay track will be discussed with the Yacht Club.

  • Photo of Paradise Beach

    Paradise Beach

Other Head to Head development work coming up in the next 12 months

Black Point

Rockfall hazard has been addressed. Local community volunteers are working in partnership with the Council to construct a new track around Black Point linking with Church Bay and Hays Bay tracks.

Diamond Harbour

The existing Coastal Cliffs track is being upgraded between Church Bay and Purau. Steps are being constructed where needed and community volunteers are partnering with the Council to re-bench and improve the existing track.

 Future sections of the Head to Head Walkway are still to be investigated and routes identified. All will be done in consultation with the community.

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