Residential development - 240 Spencerville Rd

This publicly notified resource consent application is for subdivision of the site to create 70 residential allotments, roads and utility reserve, land use consent for dwellings and earthworks.

Project status: Pre-hearing
Open for submission: 12 December 2018 to 31 January 2019
Reference number: RMA/2018/176
Applicant name: LMM Investments 2012 Limited, C/- Davie Lovell-Smith
Site address: 240 Spencerville Road
Description of proposed activity: Subdivision of the site to create 70 residential allotments, roads and utility reserve, land use consent for dwellings and earthworks in a flood ponding area and flood management area, and outside the “Resort Community Area”.
Phone: (03) 3790793
Company: Davie Lovell-Smith

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 This consent is currently on hold at the applicant's request.

Submission Form [PDF, 239 KB]

Summary of application [PDF, 1.5 MB]

Full notification document [PDF, 27 MB]

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How the decision is made

  • Pre-hearing

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