Scott Park - draft landscape plan

We are seeking your feedback on a draft landscape plan for Scott Park in Ferrymead.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 11 February 2019 to 11 March 2019

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Community Board decision made

At the 6 May 2019 Waikura/Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board meeting the decision was made to approve(external link) the landscape plan for Scott Park without any further changes and as per the staff recommendation(external link).

We expect that the projects within the landscape plan that have funding will be prioritised and implemented in the park over the next six months.

These priorities include:

  •  Seal and mark (eastern) carpark area including markings to improve access from the Christchurch Coastal pathway to the coast.
  • Plantings adjacent to the Mt Pleasant Yacht Club boat storage building.
  • Plantings in the picnic area.
  • Sealed pathway from the Ferrymead Bridge to the public boat ramp.
  • Other plantings or paths as budget allows.
  • Seats, picnic tables and cycle stands as budget allows.

Staff will also investigate future funding options to fully implement the landscape plan.

Consultation has now closed

Consultation on the Scott Park landscape plan has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 11 Februaruy 2019 to 11 March 2019.

During this time we heard from 27 individuals and groups. You can read their feedback and view the amended plan  and staff report(external link) that will be presented to the Waikura/Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board on 6 May 2019 for approval.

Attachment for submission ID# 21496

Attachment for submission ID# 21445

Attachment for submission ID# 21935

Project background

Scott Park was one of the key activity areas identified in the 2014 Main Road master plan(external link). The vision in the master plan was for Main road to be the thread that connects, and provides a common bond between the discrete and distinct local communities of Christchurch's eastern bays.  Along Main Road there is a number of areas; Scott Park included, to be the focus of implementation actions to support the recovery and regeneration of the area.

Image of Scott Park looking across the estuary

Scott Park looking across the estuary

Scott Park along with Ferrymead Bridge is an important gateway to Main Road and the Eastern Bays communities. This is because of the prominent position of the park as well as the park supporting and hosting a variety of leisure, recreation, and community activities. Through the master plan there is now a small amount of funding available to complete some of the works included in the draft landscape plan.  This draft plan for the park is what we are now seeking feedback on.

Scott Park draft landscape plan. [PDF, 1.6 MB]

For 600 years Ngāi Tahu (and their predecessors Ngāti Māmoe and Waitaha) used the present Main Road as a travelling route, a place of settlement and as a significant mahinga kai (resource and food gathering) area.

How was the draft landscape plan created?

A working party was set up at the request of the Community Board. This group have been meeting regularly with staff and working together on the draft landscape plan for Scott Park. This plan builds on the Master plan by including some high level detail around better access to the estuary, trees for shade and the inclusion of picnic areas to ensure it develops in a way that is more user friendly for everyone. 

Image of yacht club members getting set up on the shore at Scott Park

Yacht club getting set up on the shoreline of Scott Park

Scott Park working party

The working party was tasked with producing a draft landscape plan for the park.  This party included representatives from the Mt Pleasant Yacht Club, Christchurch Coastal Pathway Group, Canterbury Windsports Association, Mt Pleasant Sea Scouts, Mt Pleasant Residents Association, the Estuary Trust and the Community Board.

Yacht sailing on the estuary

Yacht sailing on the estuary

What is included on the plan?

The key parts of the plan include:

  • Defined picnic and seating area
  • New trees - including native trees for screening of the boat storage shed and for providing shelter and shade
  • Inclusion of open grassed areas
  • Improved access to the beach and ramps from the existing walkways.
  • Sealed car and boat parking areas with disability parks.
  • Site proposed for future permanent toilet, shower and wash down and storage area.
  • Extension of the gravel/beach to the public ramp
  • New safety and access signage at the boat ramps
  • Improved access and visibility to Penfolds Cob Cottage
  • Site proposed as a possible  future location  for a club building (indicative only)
  • Tidying up and removal of some of the existing  vegetation and fencing to provide improved views and security.
  • Site proposed for a coastal pathway sculpture.

Improvements to greenspace areas

The plan includes the planting of around 65 new trees.  These species are intended to be native tree species that are appropriate for a coastal environment.  These have been included to soften the hard surfaced areas, screen the buildings and provide shade.  This planting will also help to define specific areas with different uses within the park. 

A picnic area with seating is located near the temporary toilet.  Trees planted around here should also help to provide some shelter and shade to park users.

Grassed areas have also been retained to provide for open space areas that can be used by the clubs for rigging of boats, windsurf equipment and for any other casual recreational use.  Other unformed gravel areas are also proposed to be  re-grassed to increase the green areas within the park.

Tidying up and removal of some existing vegetation in the park and fence removal works will also help to improve the views out to the estuary and security.  In order to meet CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) guidelines(external link), it is important that there is good visibility into the park to deter antisocial behaviour.  

Access within the park

In order to improve the access into and around the park, the plan includes marked and sealed car and boat parking areas.  There are also walkways included to provide good access to the beach.

The sealed car park  includes parking in a number of locations and includes angled parking to fit cars and trailers.  There is space for 65 vehicles in the park

Access to the water

The plan also includes extending the gravel/beach to the public ramp and the inclusion of good access and safety signage at the boat ramp.

Future facilities

Space has been left for a future club building on Scott Park, this location is indicative only.  If this were to go ahead, this proposal would need to go through a separate approval process.   

Penfolds Cob Cottage

Work  on the cottage is not part of this project.  The landscape plan only proposes to improve the access and visibility to the cottage.  You can find out more information about the previous consultation on Penfold's historic sod and cob cottage here(external link).

Coastal pathway sculpture

The plan has left space for a sculpture to be included in the future at this location.  We do not have any information yet on the timings of this sculpture and what it could look like.

Permanent toilet, shower, wash down and storage areas

The plan has left space for the inclusion of these facilities in the future when funding becomes available.  Until these works take place the temporary toilet will remain in its current location.

Image of windsurfer in action on the estuary just off Scott Park

Windsurfer on the estuary opposite Scott Park

Funding for the project and priorities

There is a limited amount of funding available ($145k in financial year 2018/19) to complete the work included in the draft landscape plan.  We do not have enough funding to complete the entire plan.  We would therefore need to prioritise the most important aspects of the park that relate to:

  • Access from the bridge to the ramp / jetty
  • Better sight lines and access to the coast
  • Car park sealing and realignment
  • Planting and greenspace improvements

The remaining works on the landscape plan will commence once further funding becomes available.

Talk to the team

The project team will be at the Estuary Fest(external link) on:

Saturday 23 February 2019,

1 pm to 5 pm,

McCormacks Bay Reserve,

3 McCormacks Bay Road, Christchurch

What happens next?

Once the consultation period has closed, the project team will analyse the feedback and produce a staff report which will go to the Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board for approval. At this stage we are expecting that the decision by the Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board will be made in April or May 2019.

All submitters will receive written updates on the project, including details of the staff recommendations and decision meeting and how to request to speak at the Board meeting if they wish to do so.  If approved the funded parts of the plan are expected to commence  in May or June 2019.  This is subject to weather conditions and contractor availability.


  • 11 February 2019 - consultation opened
  • 23 February 2019 - project team available at Estuary Fest at McCormacks Bay Reserve
  • 11 March 2019 - Consultation closes
  • April/May 2019 - Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board decision meeting
  • May/June 2019 - Project start (for funded portions of the plan).  Subject to Community Board approval.

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  • Decision made

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