Proposed parking changes at Sign of the Kiwi

We are experiencing a high demand for short stay parking in the carpark beside the Sign of the Kiwi. Changes to the existing carpark are proposed to work to meet this demand.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 5 October 2018 to 25 October 2018

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Consultation has closed

Consultation on the proposed parking changes at the Sign of the Kiwi has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from Friday 5 October to Thursday 25 October. During this time we heard from 20 individuals and groups. Seven of these in support, seven having some concerns about the project, five did not support and one was late and not included in the analysis for the report. You can read their feedback [PDF, 369 KB] and Staff responses to submissions [PDF, 16 KB], and view the Traffic Survey [PDF, 368 KB].  

A staff report will be presented to the Community Board on Monday 12 November 2018 at 10am. The meeting will be held at Lyttelton Community Boardroom, 25 Canterbury Street, Lyttelton. This is a public meeting and everyone is welcome.  

You can read the meeting agenda, including the staff report and any additional information, from Thursday 8 November 2018, online at link).

If approved, we expect that work will get started 20 working days following the Community Board decision.


Why are we proposing changes?

With the views and recreation opportunities attracting all types of visitors to the Port Hills, parking availability needs to reflect the parking requirements of all users.

The carpark located at Sign of the Kiwi has high demand for short stay parking due to the café and visitors taking a quick stop to look at the view.

Changes we are proposing to the existing carpark:

  • 10 existing carparks to become P60
  • one existing carpark to become a mobility park
  • designated motorcycle parking signposted

detail shown in image below

image showing the proposed parking changes

Alternative long stay parking spaces near Sign of the Kiwi


Summit Road car park (north)

This carpark is located on the Summit Road at the top of Victoria Park. There is a walking track  that heads towards Sign of the Kiwi. You can also access a number of walking tracks near to this carpark. Image showing the carpark on Summit Road north of Sign of the Kiwi

Sugarloaf Reserve car park

This carpark is off the Summit Road heading north from Sign of the Kiwi. There is access to walking tracks including a track to the Sign of the Kiwi.

Areas on Summit Road (South)

South of Sign of the Kiwi there are several parking bays along this section of Summit Road. These are also located close to walking tracks on the Port Hills.

Overview of the parking and walking paths around Sign of the Kiwi

Image shown the overview of parking and walking paths around Sign of the Kiwi

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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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