The Council is reviewing its Public Places Bylaw and Trading and Events in Public Places Policy to ensure there are reasonable controls to balance public and private uses of public places.
Named submissions and a staff report were considered by the Hearings Panel. These documents are now available online(external link).
The Hearings Panel considered all information presented and will make a recommendation to the Council, who will then make a final decision.
The bylaw:
Public places provide many opportunities for the community to use and enjoy the space, however, due to the nature of public land being open to all, the competing interests can create obstructions, health and safety concerns, and impact on the environment or commercial activities on adjacent private land. Regulation assists in managing these concerns.
The review of the bylaw is intended to make the Council’s public place controls more effective, easier to administer and enforce, and to reflect current circumstances.
New issues that have been identified for inclusion in the bylaw are:
Commercial activities, including events, in public places, where appropriate and managed, can add character, vibrancy and safety to urban areas, and can attract visitors to these locations. Examples of commercial activities include market stalls, events, mobile traders, busking and street collections. Commercial activity is regulated so the Council is aware of who is carrying out commercial activities on Council land and to manage any appropriate conditions for specific activities.
The review of the policy is intended to make it clearer and easier to understand for people wanting to trade or hold events in public places. The majority of changes relate to style, removal of duplication in the general conditions section, and updating the policy objectives.
There are no substantial changes to the policy for markets, stalls, mobile or travelling shops and mobile food stalls, goods or services for hire or sale and hawkers/pedlars. All these activities continue to require a permit or licence from the Council.
New additions to the policy include requiring permission for street appeals, fundraising, promotional material and free giveaways.
Under the bylaw the Council can create Special Use Areas where certain activities can or cannot be undertaken. There are three Special Use Areas that the Council are considering making changes to:
The Local Government Act 2002 enables the Council to develop a bylaw to:
The Council is satisfied that the prohibitions and restrictions in the proposed bylaw are necessary, for the purposes identified in the Local Government Act 2002 section 155 analysis [DOCX, 31 KB].
The Council is satisfied the proposed amendments to the bylaw are the most appropriate and proportionate way to address the actual and perceived problems associated with commercial activities, obstructions and other uses of public places. The proposed Public Places Bylaw is consistent with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, and only seeks to impose justifiable and reasonable limits on people in the interest of reducing the impacts on public health and safety, public access and the natural environment.