The proposal extends along Ferry Road from Portman Street to St Anne’s School.
The new plan aims to:
- Improve the appearance of the centre while retaining the unique industrial character
- Create a regular row of trees and landscaping as a distinct and attractive part of the street
- Create a centre with a distinct sense of place – a look and feel that people recognise and enjoy
- Create individual spaces in the streetscape that are attractive places to walk through, stop and stay
A place for walking
The plan includes:
- Wider footpaths and improved crossing facilities in the village
- Two signal controlled crossings outside the community library and St Johns Church
- Three upgraded crossings with pedestrian refuges and handrails
- Upgraded street lighting
A place to park
- 55 on-street car park spaces on this section of Ferry Road (this is a reduction from 69 existing car parks and an increase from 21 in the previous plan)
- 32 off-street public car park spaces behind the library with improved pedestrian access and signage to direct vehicles
- Time-restricted parking to allow for higher turnover
Catching the bus
- Two pairs of bus stops in the village located next to the two signal- controlled crossing points
- Two new bus stops in central Woolston replace those at Portman Street
- The bus stop outside St Johns Church moved to 729 Ferry Road
- The bus stops near the corner of Catherine Street moved slightly to the east
- Passengers waiting for the bus outside the library can use the covered area, and we are proposing purpose built shelters for all other stops
Going by bike
- Wider cycle lanes though the village
- Thirty-six cycle parking stands spread throughout the village
The signal-controlled crossing outside St Johns Church allows people on bikes to cross safely to reach the church and school, and link the major cycle routes to the north and south.
Gateways to the village
Gateway features of trees, paving and kerb build-outs at Portman Street and St Anne’s School to define the village entrances.
Lower speed limit
A one year trial 30km/h speed limit on Ferry Road between Portman Street and St Anne’s School will:
- help make the village safer for all road users and pedestrians
- make drivers aware they are entering a village environment
We will be monitoring the trial and if it is effective, further consultation will be needed to approve a permanent lower speed limit.