Survey for heritage building owners

We’re keen to get your perspective as we develop Christchurch City Council’s new Heritage Strategy.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 4 May 2018 to 1 June 2018

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Kia ora,

We’re keen to get your perspective as we develop Christchurch City Council’s new Heritage Strategy.

We need your help to identify, protect and celebrate our city’s heritage – in particular, the approximately 500 heritage places that aren’t owned by the Council. Because you’re the owner of one or more of these scheduled heritage places in the Christchurch District Plan, your insight will be invaluable.

Please tell us your thoughts and suggestions, including support you might need, by completing the short survey below by 25 May 2018. It should take about 10 minutes. If you’d like a paper copy, or have any questions, please phone me on 941 8292 or email

Your feedback would be much appreciated, and would help us work out the next steps as our Heritage Strategy is developed. When it’s in place, the Heritage Strategy will guide the Council’s protection, promotion and celebration of our heritage.

Please complete the survey by 1 June 2018

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  • Decision made

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