One-way proposal for Cumnor Terrace

Have your say on One-way proposal for Cumnor Terrace: Garlands Road to Marshall Street

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 25 January 2018 to 19 February 2018

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Consultation has now closed

Consultation on proposed intersection improvements Simeon Quay/Brittan Terrace has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 25 January to 19 February 2018. 

Fifty-three submissions were received. Of these submissions, 36 (68%) supported or supported with concerns making Cumnor Terrace from Garlands Road to Marshall Street one-way, 16 (30%) did not support the scheme; 1(2%) submission did not specify its position.

Of the total 53 submissions, 31 (58%) were from people within the potential directly affected area (the area over which the consultation was distributed) and 22 (42%) were from those outside the area or address unknown. Of the 31 directly affected residents and businesses, 17 (55%) supported or generally supported the one-way proposal, 13 (42%) did not support the scheme; 1(3%) submission did not specify its position.

Individual submissions [PDF, 245 KB]

Consultation feedback [PDF, 470 KB]

Final plans [PDF, 726 KB]

All submissions have been analysed and summarised for the Infrastructure, Transport and Environment Committee (ITE Committee) to consider at its meeting, on Wednesday 11 April 2018, 1pm, at Civic Offices, Hereford Street.

If you wish to speak at this meeting, you will need to seek speaking rights by contacting the Committee Advisor, Samantha Kelly, at or on (03) 941 6227 as soon as possible but no later than 5pm, Wednesday 4 April 2018.



The Heathcote Expressway Major Cycle Route will be a commuter and recreational cycleway connecting Heathcote Valley in the east, with the central city via Woolston, Opawa, Charleston and Phillipstown. The Heathcote Expressway is one of 13 major cycleways being developed by the Christchurch City Council.

Travelling south, the cycleway follows the Heathcote River, crossing Garlands Road, passing The Tannery then on to Chapmans Road, where it continues past Kennaway Park, eventually ending at Martindales Road in Heathcote Valley. 

Initial consultation on Heathcote Expressway was undertaken from Tuesday 15 November 2016 to Thursday 15 December 2016.

Copies of the previous consultation on Heathcote MCR can be found on the CCC website.

This consultation only focuses on Cumnor Terrace between Garlands Road and Marshall Street.

Why are we consulting?

At its meeting on 30 March 2017, the Infrastructure Transport and Environment Committee approved detailed design and construction of the Heathcote Expressway from Charles Street to Truscotts Road.

As part of its decision the Committee also agreed that an option for increasing the width of the cycleway on Cumnor Terrace should be explored, including the option to convert Cumnor Terrace to a one-way street. Furthermore, as detailed design investigations have progressed, concerns have been raised about the potential impacts on ecological values along this section of the route. Making the road one-way would avoid further encroachment on the waterway, reduce the number of plants removed and increase safety.

This proposal considers making a section of Cumnor Terrace one-way heading north, from Garlands Road to Marshall Street. Cumnor Terrace south of Garlands Road, between Maunsell Street and Garlands Road, is already one-way. Cumnor Terrace north of Marshall Street would remain a two-way street.

We are seeking your feedback on the option to convert Cumnor Terrace to a one-way street northbound from Garlands Road to Marshall Street.

Proposed option

Cumnor Terrace - Garlands Road to Marshall Street

There are approximately 600 vehicles per day that use this section of Cumnor Terrace (Source: 7–Day Tube Counts, September 2016). The surrounding area is classified as industrial, as such, the cycleway design needs to ensure the road widths and driveway access provides for heavy vehicles.

The approved design is compared with the one-way proposal in the following images; the key differences are summarised with each image. In both options parking will be removed from the river side of the road.

Approved two way design


Proposed one-way


What happens to redirected traffic?

The volume of traffic currently travelling south along Cumnor Terrace between Marshall Street and Cumnor Terrace is very low, with a volume of 19 vehicles (0 heavy vehicles) in the morning peak hour. Under the one-way proposal, vehicles that would normally travel south along Cumnor Terrace between Marshall Street and Garlands Road, will need to choose a different route such as Radley Street. The new signalised cycle and pedestrian crossing being constructed across Garlands Road, just east of Cumnor Terrace, will provide more gaps in the traffic along Garlands Road. This will allow vehicles to exit out of Radley Street onto Garlands Road more easily.

Drop in session:

Wednesday 7 February 2018 - 4.30–6.30pm (presentation at 4.45pm), Radley Park, near the Cumnor Terrace entrance

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  • Decision made

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