Christchurch City Council is planning to upgrade a small section of Kilmore Street ahead of the completion of the Town Hall, and is asking for feedback from the community.
Update 9 May 2018
Thanks for sharing your views about the proposed Kilmore Street Upgrade, from Colombo Street to Durham Street. On 26 April 2018, the Council approved the project.
That the Council:
You can view the full meeting minutes online(external link) (page 7), including the final decision.
Matters relating to parking were considered by the Parking Restrictions Subcommittee on 19 April 2018. The minutes for this meeting can also be viewed online(external link) (page 11)
Project timeframes
It is expected that construction in front of the Town Hall will begin in May/June 2018. The wider works, which have yet to be tendered, are expected to be constructed in July/August.
Update 3 April 2018
The staff report for the upgrade of Kilmore Street (from Colombo Street to Durham Street) will be considered by the Infrastructure, Transport and Environment Committee in the Council Chamber on 11 April 2018 at 1pm.
The report recommends that the Committee makes a recommendation to Council for approval of the scheme. Parking resolutions related to this project will be considered by the Parking Restrictions Subcommittee on 19 April 2018. The recommendations of both committees are expected to go to the 26 April Council meeting.
Consultation was undertaken from 28 February until 21 March.
Of the 44 responses received, 18 (40.91 percent) supported the scheme outlined in the consultation plan, 21 (47.73 percent) generally supported the plan but had some concerns, four (9.09 percent) did not support the plan and one submitter did not state a view.
Summary of consultation [PDF, 27 KB]
Submissions and project team responses [PDF, 87 KB]
Kilmore Street (Colombo Street to Durham Street) plan for approval [PDF, 674 KB]
Work proposed on this section of Kilmore Street will be split into two phases. Phase 1 (being consulted on here) allows for the construction to be completed to align with the Town Hall restoration. Phase 2 enables the later change from a one-way street to a two-way street and the upgrade of the remainder of Kilmore Street. This will be consulted on later.
We would like your views on the first phase of Kilmore Street from Durham Street to Colombo Street, and a small section of Durham Street near the Kilmore Street intersection.
As part of these works, we are proposing to:
Consultation plan [PDF, 613 KB]
The Council’s draft 2018-2028 Long Term Plan is proposing to delay the construction of the two-way conversion of Salisbury and Kilmore Streets.
Originally planned |
Proposed in draft Long Term Plan |
2018/2019 |
2021/2022 |
The draft Long Term Plan will go out to consultation on 9 March 2018.
Consultation closes on 21 March 2018. Submitters will be notified of the consultation outcome at the beginning of April and the staff report will be considered by the Infrastructure Transport and Environment Committee on 11 April. The Council is expected to consider the Committee's recommendations on 26 April 2018.