Intersection improvements Simeon Quay and Brittan Tce

This proposed intersection improvement is part of a wider Inner Harbour road project looking at safety improvements.

Project status: Decision made
Open for feedback: 23 November 2017 to 14 December 2017

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Consultation has now closed

Consultation on proposed intersection improvements Simeon Quay and Brittan Terrace has now closed. People were able to provide feedback from 23 November 2017 to 14 December 2017.

We received 41 submissions with six respondents in general support, and 11 respondents supporting the plan but with some concerns and  24 respondents did not generally support the proposal. 

Project feedback [PDF, 172 KB]

Team responses [PDF, 336 KB]

A report will be presented to the Banks Peninsula Community board for project approval at their meeting on Monday 23 April 2018.  The agenda will be available on the Council website from Friday 20 April 2018.


Why are we proposing a intersection change?

Brittan Terrace

Brittan Terrace

  • The volume of traffic entering and exiting Brittan Terrace from Simeon Quay is a lot greater than straight through traffic.
  • The existing intersection layout causes delays on Brittan Terrace with the majority of traffic waiting to turn right on to Simeon Quay.
  • To increase pedestrian safety at this intersection, a continuation of the path from Brittan Terrace across to Simeon Quay will be installed.

Proposed changes

  • Remove the stopping restriction on Brittan Terrace to allow vehicles to continue on to Simeon Quay.
  • No entry to Simeon Quay west from Brittan Terrace, for traffic to flow from Brittan Terrace to Simeon Quay.
    Simeon Quay

    Simeon Quay

  • No through route to Simeon Quay west heading from Lyttelton, vehicles to use Brittan Terrace and Voelas Road.
  • The new intersection layout will increase pedestrian safety by continuing the pedestrian path from Brittan Terrace to Simeon Quay.New kerb build outs on Brittan Terrace and Simeon Quay to slow vehicles travelling through this intersection.  
  • New no stopping lines on Simeon Quay and Brittan Terrace to improve the sight lines for vehicles and pedestrians at the new intersection.


This proposed intersection improvement is part of a wider Inner Harbour road project looking at safety improvements. This covers the route between Lyttelton and Diamond Harbour, travelling through Corsair Bay, Cass Bay, Rapaki, Governors Bay, Charteris Bay and Church Bay.

The aim and objectives of the Inner Harbour road improvement project is to improve safety for all road users, including pedestrians and to improve travel times.

Drop in session

Would you like more information? We will be holding a drop in session on Thursday 7 December between 4pm and 6pm in the Lyttelton community board room, Canterbury Street.



 Simeon Quay – Consultation plan

Click to enlarge.

What happens next?

Once the consultation period has closed, the project team will analyse the feedback and produce a staff report which will go to the Banks Peninsula Community Board, who will then make the final decision.


  • Thursday 23 November - Consultation open
  • Thursday 7 December - Drop in information session, 4pm to 6pm in the Lyttelton community board room, Canterbury Street.
  • Thursday 14 December 2017 - Consultation closes
  • January 2018 - Submitters notified of consultation outcome
  • February 2018 - Banks Peninsula  Community Board meeting
  • February/March 2018 - Project start (subject to community board approval)

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How the decision is made

  • Decision made

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