Guidance notes to assist in applying for water supply service.
All residential connections are 15mm and each parcel of land is entitled to one water supply connection. The water connection fee covers the installation and supply of a standard 15mm connection and water meter at the property boundary. Any work required to connect the house to the new water connection is the responsibility of the applicant. All fees and charges are set annually by the Council.
Installation of the water meter and connection is normally completed within 10 working days from receipt of payment. Every effort will be made to install your new connection in the requested location, however this may not always be possible depending on existing services. Residential connections have low hazard backflow protection as part of the water connection assembly.
All commercial/industrial connections are supplied with an estimate that covers the installation of the water meter and if requested, the connection to the Council main. All connections (including 15mm) must be agreed to and approved by the Three Waters & Waste Unit via the Water Supply Application Approval Form (WS1a) and a stamped, approved plan showing the work required. The Council only allows authorised contractors to make the connection to the main.
Please note:
If a property is to be subdivided or if there is an intention to subdivide the property in the future, it is recommended that:
If the connection requested is located outside the City’s normal reticulation system, the only available water connection will be a ‘Restricted’ supply. The Three Waters & Waste Unit will advise if this is the case. A restricted supply is the supply of a measured and limited amount of water to customers inside the City Council boundaries but outside areas of the capacity of the normal City reticulation system. A restricted supply has in-built backflow protection via the air-gap in the required storage tank and does not include a meter.
For commercial properties, the Council allows additional connections for the purpose of supplying water to a fire sprinkler system. Supplies to other processes including fire hydrants and fire hose reels are to be fed from the standard point of supply at the boundary and are to have a water meter and backflow protection fitted.
If your water connection application includes a Fire Service connection, an annual fee is required for the continued maintenance of this service. This fee will be billed annually on your rates account. The cost of this annual fee is on the Council’s website and in the Council’s Long Term Plan. Further information can be found by visiting Long Term and Annual Plans.
The residential Excess Water Supply Targeted Rate applies to any single household with a water meter that uses, on average, more than 900 litres a day. Property owners in Christchurch and Banks Peninsula pay a fixed rate of $1.41 for every 1000 litres they use over the average limit. Most households are average water users and don’t use enough to receive an invoice. We read your water meter and invoice you for any excess water use on a quarterly basis (roughly every 90 days). Meter reads cannot be requested.
Find out more by visiting the Water Reporter.
If there are any water connection issues that have not been covered in these Guidance Notes, please contact the Council on (03) 941 8999 or email