A large wastewater upgrade project is under way on Creyke, Clyde and Maidstone roads. Work began in early September 2024 and is expected to finish in mid-2026.

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We are upgrading wastewater infrastructure in Ilam with the installation of new, larger pipes that will help meet increasing demand from our growing city. 

The project is being carried out in three stages and will be disruptive, with one-way traffic measures in place to allow the work to happen. Read more on Newsline(external link).

Stage one: Clyde and Creyke roads 

The first stage of work runs from September 2024 to December 2025 and includes work on Clyde and Creyke roads. 

View the stage one work notice(external link).

Traffic impacts 

Temporary one-way systems are in place, as follows:

  • Clyde Road (between Riccarton Road and Creyke Road) for northbound traffic. No access for southbound traffic.
  • Creyke Road (between Clyde Road and Ilam Road) for westbound traffic. No access for eastbound traffic.

Detours are in place for affected traffic along Ilam and Riccarton roads. The speed limit is reduced to 30km/h so we can keep our workers, and everyone in the area, safe.

View a map of the one-way systems. [PNG, 926 KB]

No-entry/exit is in place at:

  • Arts Road, where it intersects Clyde Road.

Residential access to Arts Road is via Forestry Road, off Creyke Road; access to the university is available via University Drive.

Current work focus

Clyde Road: We are progressing our pipelaying further north along Clyde Road, up to the Creyke Road intersection.  

Waiutuutu/Okeover Stream: We are working around the stream so the syphon system can be constructed to take the wastewater under this stream.

Creyke Road: We are continuing laying lateral pipes ahead of the main wastewater pipe, and then constructing and connecting new manholes. Work is situated at the western end of Creyke Road, progressing west. When the crew working at Clyde Road reaches the Creyke Road intersection, they will start on the eastern end of Creyke Road, also progressing west until it reaches the section completed by the other crew.

Project area

The map below shows the project area for these works.


Our contractor, Dormer Construction, will keep residents and business updated with start work notices and newsletters as the work progresses.

We will also update subscribers of our e-newsletter(external link) about any project developments before work is scheduled to begin.

View the previous e-newsletter updates below:

Stage one

The work scope for stage one includes:

  • Pumping water from below the ground to allow for trenching and excavation works.
  • Trenching and excavation works.
  • Installation of new, larger pipes.
  • Road sealing.

Stage one works began in early September 2024 and will wrap up in December 2025. Stage two will overlap these works when it begins in approximately August 2025.

Stages two and three

Further stages will follow stage one, with some overlap in the timing of the stages.

The second stage of the upgrade will affect the east end of Maidstone Road, with work also planned on Creyke Road beside the Clyde Road intersection. This is scheduled to start in August 2025. 

The third stage will happen in early 2026 on Maidstone Road, at the western end between Ilam and Waimairi roads.