- For all three systems, the Council owns and is responsible for all wastewater pipes, tanks and laterals, on public land, i.e. from the front boundary of a house on a public street to the front boundary of the house on the opposite side of the street.
- All wastewater pipes on private property protected by an easement in favour of the Council are owned and will be maintained by the Council. This is usually the main, plus the connections of any laterals to the main, and the portion of lateral covered by the easement (approximately 1 metre in most cases).
- Wastewater gravity mains owned by the Council which are installed in private land or a Right of Way (ROW), with or without an easement in favour of the Council, will be maintained by the Council. This is usually the main, plus the connections of any laterals to the main, and approximately the first metre of lateral.
- Pressure wastewater tanks, pipes from the tanks, control panels and boundary boxes, in the following situations are owned and maintained by the Council (note that the pipe from the house to the tank and the electricity to the pump is supplied by the property owner):
- Installed on private land by SCIRT (Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team) for the Council between 2011 and 2017 as part of the earthquake rebuild work.
- Installed where at the time of development the property was in an area of wastewater constraint. These are generally in one-off places, and surrounded by properties with gravity connections.
- Installed in larger subdivisions where the pressure wastewater was agreed as the best wastewater solution for serving the subdivision, e.g. Highsted, Upper Styx, Highfield, North Halswell, South Halswell, South East Halswell, South West Halswell and Hendersons Residential New Neighbourhood areas.