Floor level map

Find floor level requirements for building and resource consents as well as general flood risk and ground level information for a property.

Floor level information is based on the most recent assessment of flood modelling results and other relevant information and is updated on a regular basis.

New tidal data will be incorporated into upcoming modelling. Please visit Tidal Data(external link) for more information on these changes.

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Contact floorlevels@ccc.govt.nz if the property of interest is not shown or you require further information.

Flooding data disclaimer

This website includes information on predicted flood levels and minimum floor level requirements for compliance with Clause E1 of the NZ Building Code and flood hazard rules of the Christchurch District Plan (Chapter 5.4).

View the Christchurch District Plan for more information on flood hazard overlays and rules or contact a Duty Planner at 03 941 8999 or EPADutyPlanner@ccc.govt.nz.

Christchurch City Council (Council) provides the information on this website on the following basis:

  1. The preparation and provision of this information has been made in good faith from a number of sources that are believed to be reliable. The information shows:
    • Minimum floor levels required for compliance with Clause E1 of the Building Code and with the flood hazard rules of the Christchurch District Plan.
    • Generally non-mandatory minimum floor level recommendations to achieve the level of flood protection that was intended by the District Plan.
    • Predicted water levels in the 1 in 50 and 200-year design events including climate change and sea level rise allowances.
    • Approximate minimum, maximum and average ground levels for properties calculated from 2018-2019 or 2020-2021 LiDAR data.
    • The extent of the District Plan Flood Management Area.
  2. The published data on this website predict the probability that certain flood levels will occur under modelled design conditions. The levels must be considered as indicative and not absolute limits.  Any flood level prediction may differ from observed levels in previous or future events.
  3. The published minimum floor level requirements are for flood limitation purposes only and do not include considerations for other Building Code aspects such as on-site drainage or service connections.
  4. The predicted flood and minimum floor level values and flood extents are based on the currently available flood hazard information, which is derived from a number of flood models and other relevant information. These models have been calibrated and/or validated against historical storm events. They rely upon the assumptions and limitations set out in various technical reports that can be provided on request.
  5. The floor level information referred to in this website may be subject to property-specific characteristics not taken into account in the present estimates.  This may vary the required floor level for building consents or other purposes.  Persons with an interest in a property may also need to investigate and consider such circumstances.
  6. The Council is continuing to carry out flood modelling and to investigate flood hazards in the Christchurch District. The Council will review and update the levels published on this website once new data become available. However, in some cases the information on this website may not reflect the most up to date data.
  7. Any application for consent or a Minimum Floor Level Certificate for a site will be assessed based on the most recent flood hazard information available at the time of lodgement.
  8. The Council provides this service/data to you (the User) on the following basis:
    1. Council makes no representation and provides no warranty, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, reasonableness or completeness of the information, assumption or analysis contained or referred to in this service/data.
    2. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Council disclaims and is excluded from, and the User releases Council from, all liability and responsibility (whether in tort, contract or under statute or otherwise) in relation to this service/data, including for any direct or indirect loss or damage which may be suffered by any recipient of this service/data, through use of or reliance on or in connection with anything contained in, or omitted from, this service/data.
    3. The User releases the Council from any and all liability (whether in tort, contract or under statute or otherwise), which may arise from or in connection with the provision of, or any purported reliance on or in connection with anything contained in, or omitted from this service/data.
    4. The User indemnifies Council in respect of all costs (including legal costs), claims, liabilities, losses, damage and expenses suffered or incurred by Council and any other person claiming through Council in relation to the User’s use of this service/data.
  9. The information published on this website should only be used or interpreted by suitably qualified professionals.
  10. This mapping service is hosted by Christchurch City Council. For help and information regarding maps and map content, the process or raw data, or if the map is not working correctly, please contact floorlevels@ccc.govt.nz or contact us.

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