Swimming water quality map

Get information about the water quality at various sites within Christchurch and Banks Peninsula.

Water samples are collected throughout the summer. For other times of the year this map should only be used as a rough guide.


  • Sites graded fair or good are considered suitable for swimming; however good and fair sites may not be suitable at times - for example, after heavy rainfall.
  • Sites graded poor and warning are generally considered unsuitable for swimming; there is typically notification of this via signage at the site and/or through the media.

Even the cleanest spots can be unsuitable to swim in from time to time when they get contaminated. We recommend you avoid swimming during or shortly after rainfall as urban or agricultural run-off may result in high bacterial counts.

Visit the LAWA (Land Air Water Aotearoa) website for more information about water quality.(external link)

Teal pointer 85x125

Suitable for swimming

Yellow pointer 85x125

Caution advised

Red pointer 85x125

Not suitable for swimming

Grey pointer 85x125

Insufficient data

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