These are small, resident-led, local events, held on quiet neighbourhood streets during daylight hours to enable children to play on their street and meet neighbours.

hopscotch - play streets

What is play streets?

The purpose of play streets is to encourage children to meet others in their street to play and to support neighbours to get to know each other and look out for each other’s children.

A novel opportunity to take over the street for fun is one way we can support children to be active outdoors and seek opportunities to engage in play - which is so important for their development.

Anyone can organise a play street event. They are often organised by a group of neighbours, a school, or a community group, e.g. Scouts.

Whoever is leading the Play Street event will need to get permission from the council. Temporary road closures make it easier for residents to organise their own play street events, supported by Sport Canterbury and the Council.

Your play street should be fun, therefore it is important to think about how to keep everyone safe while playing on the street. We will support you with the documents you need to ensure the play street is safe, well-organised and works for the residents of the street.

If you are interested in learning how to host a play street, please contact our Play Advocate Louise Van Tongeren at