Play inspiration in natural environments

Suggestions of interesting places children and young people can play outside in Ōtautahi.


Beaches and rocky shores provide rich opportunities for unstructured play for the whole family – take a spade and a bucket.

Nature play areas

Discover one of our growing network of natural playgrounds, often hidden in neighbourhood parks or the red zone.


Ōtautahi has an amazing range of landscapes which all lend themselves to different play experiences.

Red Zone

You will find hidden play spaces, interesting plants and paths and more places to explore than you can fit into a day.

Port Hills

Between the huge rocks, bush paths and secret walkways past waterfalls and creeks, the Port Hills are one of our best playgrounds for families.

Botanic Gardens

The playground and nature play area aren’t the only fun parts. The whole space is fun to race through, climb, find secret hiding trees and more.

Takiuru ki ā mātou ratonga
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