Hidden Valley Track

This hidden gem is an enjoyable alternative to the Bowenvale Valley Track.

Start The car park at the end of Bowenvale Avenue
Finish Junction with Bowenvale Valley Track
Distance 1.75 km
Time 30 minutes one way
Dogs Must be kept on a leash

From the car park at the end of Bowenvale Ave, walk up into Bowenvale Valley.

The track heads up a side valley and sidles along open slopes before descending through pine trees and regenerating bush then exiting near a wooden bridge.

Return to the car park via the shared use track or continue exploring up the Bowenvale Valley Track all the way to Summit Road.

Get ready for this track using Plan My Walk(external link) by the NZ Mountain Safety Council. You can find track alerts, weather forecasts, trip reviews and a packing list, so you are set for your adventure.