Eastside Bush Track

A short walk through the forest that meets up with the Bowenvale Valley Track

Start Victoria Park car park
Finish Junction with Bowenvale Valley Walk
Distance 1.7 km
Time 30 minutes one way
Toilets Located at Victoria Park
Dogs Must be kept on a leash

Start from the main car park in Victoria Park. Take the Eastside Bush Track that descends into Bowenvale Valley, passing through a mixture of native and exotic forest.

The track finishes where it meets the Bowenvale Valley Track. 

For a longer walk, head up Bowenvale Valley Track to Summit Road. If you cross at the car park and continue along Cedrics Track to the Sugarloaf car park, you can return to Victoria Park through Thomsons Reserve and the Latters Spur Track down through Victoria Park to complete the circuit.

Get ready for this track using Plan My Walk(external link) by the NZ Mountain Safety Council. You can find track alerts, weather forecasts, trip reviews and a packing list, so you are set for your adventure. 

10 km

Walking tracks

Shared use

Connecting tracks


Parking square 100x100



Bus stop



water fountain marker

Water fountains

Accessible tracks

Punt Tahi pointer 85x125

Challenging feature

Pukeko Tahi pointer 85x125

Entry and exit point

Avon River Rua pointer 85x125

Point of interest



    Walking tracks

    Shared use

    Connecting tracks


    Parking square 100x100



    Bus stop



    water fountain marker

    Water fountains

    Accessible tracks

    Punt Tahi pointer 85x125

    Challenging feature

    Pukeko Tahi pointer 85x125

    Entry and exit point

    Avon River Rua pointer 85x125

    Point of interest

    Takiuru ki ā mātou ratonga
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