A presentation of the use of oral history to recover stories and recollections of life as a university student in the Arts Centre.
Come along to a presentation on what oral history is, how it is carried out and what can be done with the results. A demonstration of oral history as a history tool will be presented.
The oral history will be exemplified by reference to a project interviewing students of Canterbury University who studied when the university was situated in the present-day Arts Centre of Christchurch.
An interview with a past student will be held to illustrate how an interview is conducted and to provide an example of what it was like, in the 1950s, to study in the buildings now known as The Arts Centre.
The oral history session will include a discussion of the recreation events that students engaged in during their time studying at the University of Canterbury when it was located in the present-day Arts Centre.
Students made much use of the facilities in the town centre during their leisure time because access to the attractions such as theatres, cinemas and milk bars was so easy.