Our team of rangers and experts will be based at two locations today and exploring the red zone from these field ‘hubs’. Join us to walk and discover what lives here.

9am-12pm, we will be at Dallington Landing, 1 Gayhurst Road. Limited parking further up Gayhurst Road, or on Avonside Drive.

1pm-5pm we will be exploring the Waikakariki Horseshoe Lake area. Meet us at 44 Broomfield Terrace (opposite Burwood Park). 

With the iNaturalist app and expert guidance, let's explore, record, and celebrate the biodiversity of the red zone.

All you need is a pair of walking shoes and a smartphone with the iNaturalist app downloaded. 

Follow the City Nature Challenge project page to track how we are doing!

Keep track of how we are doing on the City Nature Challenge website.