Due to popular demand, we are holding a second Frame Loom Weaving Workshop with creative resident Matilda Fraser. As our funding didn’t extend to more than one workshop, this second workshop is offered at a slightly increased price. We still think it’s a great deal.

Touch the clothing you are wearing for a moment. The chances are good that it is a woven thing, with threads going up and down (that's the 'warp'), and threads going back and forth (that's the 'weft').

Weaving is such a good technology that we've been using it for at least twelve thousand years. Almost every culture and civilisation has practised weaving in one way or another.

It's also the original work-from-home profession, and where the term "cottage industry" originated. In Europe, from the 15th century, and throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, weavers worked from home and lived above their looms, fulfilling orders in a piecework system.

The weaving industry was a key site of disruption in the Industrial Revolution, with technological advances leading to the centralisation of cloth production and putting skilled weavers out of work in the same way that increased automation impacts our working lives today.

In this workshop with Matilda Fraser, we are going back to basics, using wool and other fibres to create simple hand-woven pieces. Materials and equipment are provided, but you are welcome to bring additional fibres to experiment with if you wish. Suitable for ages 14 and up, this workshop is limited to 12 people.

Please note that this workshop is very limited and tickets are non-refundable.

Ages 14 and over.