Evita seduced a nation. Was Eva Perón a champion or an opportunist? The Evita musical allows scope for both interpretations.

Rising from rural poverty Eva used sex appeal to seduce influential men till she met Juan Perón, an ambitious colonel. He wanted political power, she knew where it lay. Perón became President with Eva as Argentina’s first lady, lending glamour and charisma to his rule.

To the descamisados she was'the shirtless ones' who represented hope and living proof of the possibility of escaping to a better life. To the Argentinian elite, she was a whore whose cult of personality threatened the status quo. Her death at 33 brought an outpouring of grief, creating a legend which persists until today.

Eva’s turbulent story is brought to the stage by a stellar Rangi Ruru and Christ’s College company bringing energy and vitality to this legendary musical.