The traditional Antarctic wreath-laying ceremony at Captain Scott’s Memorial.

Dignitaries from Antarctic-related organisations and nations will lay four wreaths at the base of Captain Scott’s Statue. The wreaths are made up of flowers that symbolize Antarctic values and New Zealand’s Antarctic connections:

  • International collaboration
  • New Zealand’s presence in Antarctica
  • The New Zealand Antarctic Society
  • Christchurch, Antarctic Custodian city

This traditional event, which started in 1933, is organized by the Canterbury Branch of the New Zealand Antarctic Society with the support of Antarctica New Zealand and The Antarctic Office, ChristchurchNZ. The ceremony is a tribute to currently serving Antarcticans and those who have gone before.

There will be limited seating available.

The wreath-laying ceremony is timed to allow those attending the South to Antarctica Church Service at the Cardboard Cathedral (10am to 11am) to walk to the Captain Scott Memorial (11.30am).