Decorate your bike, helmet and person with as many lights as you can. Gather from 5pm. We roll at 5.30pm.

We ride around the park, along shared pathways, and on cycleways to celebrate the simple pleasure of riding a bike.

Bring your cycle-friendly kids, neighbours, workmates, friends, dogs ... anyone at all can be part of this light-hearted event. 

While younger riders may need to go home to bed afterwards, unencumbered grown-ups head to a suitable watering hole for post-event banter and beverages.

This event will be held in rain, snow, wind, hail or nice mild conditions. In the case of really severe weather, an announcement will be posted on Facebook by 4pm on Friday 21 June. 

Bring appropriate clothing for the weather, with extra layers for young passengers. If you intend to join the post-ride debrief, you'll need cash/card and your bike lock.