Local authority elections will be held on Saturday, 8 October this year. This notice tells you how to enrol, and who can enrol as a ratepayer elector, so you can vote in the elections.
The Electoral Roll closes on Friday, 12 August 2022. If you enrol after this date, you will need to cast a ‘special vote’ at the election.
You can vote by post. Make sure you are on the Electoral Roll to receive your postal voting document.
You can only enrol, or be nominated to enrol, once in a council district, no matter how many properties you own in that council district.
Council district includes:
If you are registered to vote in Parliamentary elections (a Parliamentary elector), you are automatically enrolled as a residential elector to vote in local authority elections. The address where you are registered as a Parliamentary elector must be in the council district for the local authority elections.
You may be eligible to enrol as a non-resident ratepayer elector in a council district if both of these apply:
Your eligibility to enrol or be nominated as a ratepayer may also depend on your individual circumstances as determined by criteria in the Local Electoral Act 2001 and its regulations.
Any organisation, firm, company, trust, corporation or society or association that pays rates on one or more properties in a council district may nominate one of its members or officers to be the ratepayer elector.
The person nominated must consent to the nomination and not be enrolled or nominated as a ratepayer elector for any other property. The person nominating and the nominated person must be registered as Parliamentary electors at addresses outside the council district where the property is located.
If partners, joint tenants and tenants in common collectively pay rates on a property in a council district, one of the group may be nominated to go on the Electoral Roll. The person nominating and the nominated person must be registered as Parliamentary electors at addresses outside the council district where the property is located.
New Electoral Rolls are compiled every three years for the local authority elections.
You should already have an enrolment confirmation form or other advice on your ratepayer elector status if:
you were enrolled as a ratepayer elector for the 2019 local authority elections, or since then
Do not have your enrolment confirmation form?
Contact the local council you pay rates to, or call (freephone) 0800 54 8683 if:
If you think you may be eligible to enrol or to nominate someone as a ratepayer elector:
Jo Daly, Christchurch City Council Electoral Officer will be able to help you with your application.
This public notice is issued pursuant to Section 39(1)(a), Local Electoral Act 2001.
Jo Daly
Electoral Officer
03 941 8581