Learn how to plan, organise and promote your own community recreation programme or event by attending a Kia Rite Hoea workshop. The workshop and guide have been designed to help you get your programme or event off to a great start.

Kia Rite Hoea workshops

Workshops are normally held between May and November. Dates are being finalised and will be listed on this page in March.

In the meantime, you can express your interest in a workshop by emailing Hannah.Martin@ccc.govt.nz  or feel free to ring us to talk about a tailored workshop for your team.

If you would like to purchase a resource to start using now and attend the workshop at a later date, please email Hannah.Martin@ccc.govt.nz


  • $35 for a not-for-profit group.
  • $55 for government departments or commercial businesses.
  • Resource-only cost: $30 (includes postage).

Kia Rite Hoea workshops

Come to a workshop and receive the Kia Rite Hoea guide. This guide is a great resource for anyone organising community recreation, arts activities, programmes and events.

Kia Rite Hoea will help you put your idea into action. There are planning sheets that provide you with an easy step-by-step plan combined with a workshop environment where you can discuss your idea with like-minded peers to turn your great idea into reality.

If you want successful and accessible recreation opportunities for everyone in your community, then Kia Rite Hoea is for you. The tools in Kia Rite Hoea are user-friendly, ready to use immediately and will save you many hours of research and indecision.

Kia Rite Hoea includes 55 pages of jam-packed guidance, checklists, hot-tips and case studies. It has 27 templates that, if you use them, will be all the paperwork you need for a community recreation programme.

Kia Rite Hoea (previously named Get Set Go!) was originally developed by Wellington City Council in 1998, who then partnered with Christchurch City Council several years later and has received a Recreation Aotearoa award for Outstanding Programme. This edition has been developed as a national resource, by Recreation Aotearoa, Christchurch City Council, Skills Active and Aktive Auckland.

What does Kia Rite Hoea mean?

It is the phrase that waka ama/canoe paddlers use and translate to 'get ready...paddle'. We have used it here as a metaphor to describe the purpose of this resource - to help you to get your programme, event or activity ready to take off!

Four collaborators worked together to produce it and it is linked to two Skills Active qualifications to help you achieve success in your work.

Comments from recent workshop participants 

What did you enjoy most about today’s workshop?

  • "The time in groups".
  • "Lots of varied discussion and individualised advice and information".
  • "Friendly, approachable facilitators".
  • "The facilitators presented in a educating way that I could understand".
  • "Sharing ideas and resources".
  • "The information is so relevant to my workplace".
  • "I felt inspired and energised by the ideas of the other workshop participants".

How will you apply what you have learnt today?

  • "I will use the sheets and resources provided".
  • "I will create an event portfolio using the planning sheets and resources".
  • "I feel more confident to develop a health and safety plan for my event".
  • "I now have more confidence about how to properly plan for the needs of my events target audience".

Event permitting masterclass

Accessibility and inclusion checklist

We've put together an accessibility and inclusion checklist [PDF, 312 KB] for people just like you - organisers of events whether they are big or small.

We know it's not always easy to remember all the ways you can make an event a little more accessibility to anyone with access needs. This can be anyone in your community - older people, mums with prams, cyclists, wheelchair users, culturally and linguistically diverse communities or people recovering from injuries.

We need events and activities that everyone can participate in, both in the city and in local communities. This checklist should help you do this. Take your time and complete the list as you organise each area of the event. The list is written from the perspective of disabled people in Christchurch, so you may not have thought of some things on it before.

If you need help or advice please email accessibleevents@ccc.govt.nz.