View 2023 census data for Christchurch and Canterbury.

This page contains topic totals for individuals, households, dwellings and families in Excel format, obtained from Statistics New Zealand's Aotearoa Data Explorer(external link).

To view summary graphs and tables of data for Christchurch City and local communities, view Statistics New Zealand's Place and ethnic group summaries(external link).

We have processed raw data provided by Statistics New Zealand into a more accessible format, to enable easier access for researchers and other users of the data in the Canterbury region. Note some of these files are large, particularly for smaller geographic areas.

Geographic boundaries can be viewed on Statistics New Zealand's interactive Geographic Boundary Viewer(external link) tool by selecting and expanding the relevant geography listed on the layers list.

Percentages have been calculated using the appropriate denominator as recommended in the 2023 Census data user guide(external link)

2023 census of population and dwellings - Information by concepts(external link) has more information about each census variable, including definition, overall quality rating and question format.

Infometrics(external link) has also prepared a user-friendly interactive Census module(external link) for Christchurch City, which includes an overview for a range of geographic areas, indicator drilldowns, and comparisons between selected areas.

Regional councils

These files contain information for all 18 regional councils in New Zealand:

Territorial authorities

These files contain information for all 67 territorial authorities in New Zealand:


These files contain information for all 232 wards in New Zealand:

Statistical area 3 (SA3)

These files contain information for all 134 SA3s in Canterbury:

Statistical area 2 (SA2)

These files contain information for all 329 SA2s in Canterbury:

Statistical area 1 (SA1)

These files contain information for all 4,443 SA1s in Canterbury.

Data is only for 2023 due to large file sizes, but 2013 and 2018 files can be provided upon request.

Urban and rural areas

These files contain information for all 745 urban and rural classified areas in New Zealand:

Health board areas

These files contain information for all 19 health board areas in New Zealand:

Liability statement

Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in processing, analysing and reporting the information provided in these files. However, Christchurch City Council gives no warranty that the information provided in these files contains no errors.

The Council shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered consequent upon the use directly, or indirectly, of the information supplied in this product.

Contact for further information.