This fund was set up to provide opportunities to National and South Island sporting events.

Apply for the Small Sports Events Fund

The Small Sports Events Fund is open for applications for events held between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025.

Applications close at 11.59pm on Sunday 16 June 2024.

For any queries email

Sporting events bring participants from around New Zealand to Christchurch and provide opportunities for local sporting bodies to strengthen and develop their sport in Christchurch.

The Small Sports Events Fund is open to sports associations, clubs or event managers who may make more than one application per funding round as long as each application is for a separate event.

Successful events will clearly demonstrate their contribution to the Council funding outcomes and priorities. Organisations must be able to demonstrate their ability to contribute towards their event and not rely on Council funding as their sole source of income.

Please ensure your funding requests reflect the level of funding you require and staff will consider your request against the amount of funding available to allocate.

Applying for the Small Sports Events Fund

A full event budget will be required with your funding application. The budget will need to outline all event expenses and income.

Budget information should be based on quotes from suppliers you intend to use. You will be able to attach the budget within the funding application. 

By applying for Small Sports Events Funding you will be agreeing to the terms and conditions  [PDF, 33 KB]associated with this fund. 

If you have an event you would like to discuss further please feel free to contact the Sports Promotions & Events Advisor by email or phone 03 941 8999.


Minimum requirements

  • The event must be a National or South Island event. International events will only be considered if there are no other suitable or eligible funding avenues.
  • The event cannot be a local event, a substantial number of participants must come from outside the region.
  • The event must be aligned to or have international, national or regional sporting association support.
  • The event must be a standalone event and not part of regional competitions.
  • The event must predominantly be held within the Christchurch City Council boundaries.
  • The event is not eligible if it has received funding from other Council sources.
  • If the event is held on public land the event organiser must have public liability insurance to the value of $2,000,000.
  • The application must come from an incorporated society.
  • If successful the applicant must sign the Council's terms and conditions in the form of a grant agreement.

 Preference will be given to events that meet the following criteria:

  • Events that align with some of the Council’s key strategies and priorities through any of the following:
    • Events that engage or influence Māori participation in sport and/or enhance relationships with mana whenua
    • Events that provide opportunities for women and girls to participate in active recreation and sport
    • Events that provide inclusive sport opportunities for people with disabilities
    • Events that harness the strengths of our diverse communities
  • Events that build the capability and capacity of Christchurch’s regional sports associations and clubs.
  • Events that are contestable to host. I.e., need to be applied/bid for and are allocated to a city/region.
  • Top-level National or South Island events, such as masters, elite and age group events that aren’t eligible for other funding opportunities.
  • Events where 50% or more of the participants come from outside of Christchurch and surrounding districts.

What this fund covers

  • venue hire/ground hire
  • operational or project costs related to the event
  • small equipment purchases for the purpose of your event
  • marketing and promotional expenses
  • aspects of your event relating to Health and Safety
  • volunteer, referee/official operational expenses

What this fund will not cover

  • debt servicing or re-financing costs
  • stock or capital market investment
  • gambling or prize money
  • payment of any legal expenditure, including costs or expenditures related to mediation disputes or ACC, Employment Tribunal, Small Claims Tribunal, professional or disciplinary body hearings
  • activities or initiatives where the primary purpose is to promote religious ministry, political objectives, commercial or profit-oriented interests
  • medical or healthcare costs – including treatment and insurance fees
  • money which will be re-distributed as grant funding, sponsorship, donations, bequests, aid funding or aid to other recipients
  • payment of fines, court costs, IRD penalties or retrospective tax payment
  • purchase of insurance covers i.e Public Liability
  • purchase of vehicles and any related ongoing maintenance repair, overhead costs or road user charges
  • private functions, lunches or dinners
  • purchase of alcohol
  • staff salaries and/or wages
  • events that have already been held
  • rent or accommodation costs
  • retrospective costs
  • travel costs