We're improving Whiti-reia Cathedral Square to make it safer and more pleasant for people and to support businesses in the area.

The upgrade work will involve re-levelling the ground, re-laying paving, installing additional lighting and introducing more landscaping to soften the environment. Where possible, we will re-use existing materials.

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What's happening now

We recently completed work in the area of the Square by the historic Post Office building. Work included re-levelling the ground, re-laying the paving, installing additional lighting and introducing landscaping to soften the environment.

The temporary toilet block was also relocated to a paved area outside Te Pae. 

Landscaping and paving work directly in front of the Spark building and to the west of the Distinction Christchurch Hotel is also complete.

What's next

The next area work will take place is by the OGB and the Distinction Christchurch Hotel. Work here was held off while the hotel was used as a managed isolation and quarantine facility. 

About the Square

Whiti-reia Cathedral Square is of significance to Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rununga and is a place which contains layers of meaning for Christchurch communities. It is a Highly Significant Scheduled heritage item in the Christchurch District Plan.

The Square contains three scheduled heritage items – the Citizens’ War Memorial, Christ Church Cathedral, and the Godley Statue and Godley Plot. The heritage fabric of the Square includes features such as plaques, Four Ships Court, and artworks. The Square is also adjoined by scheduled heritage buildings.

Since when it was first laid out in 1850, Cathedral Square, the heart of the central city, has undergone many changes. Its look, feel and function have evolved from a muddy thoroughfare in the early days to a more formal, pedestrian-friendly place for hosting civic and social gatherings. Although it has always been called a "square", its shape is actually that of a cross.

Select an images below to learn more about the history of Cathedral Square.

Christ Church Cathedral reinstatement

Christ Church Cathedral Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Limited is the organisation responsible for reinstating the Cathedral.

For project news and information, visit their website christchurchcathedral.org.nz(external link).