Road and footpath resurfacing map

View the locations of the Council's carriageway programme. More information will appear on the map soon.

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This is a schematic map that broadly outlines the planned road resurfacing renewal works for Christchurch. In the near future, the map will also show the programmed works on footpaths, kerb and channel and street renewal works programmed for the next years.

This information has been developed for the Long Term Plan 2021-31 and reflects the programme as of August 2024.

Please note that there may be changes to the work carried out due to higher priority work being identified or to coordinate with other utility work programmes.

We welcome feedback on these programmes by using snap send solve, contacting us online or calling 03 941 8999.

Types of works

Road resurfacing

Think about it like giving your house a new coat of paint which will last about 10 years; , it protects the road structure from moisture, but it doesn’t fix all faults.

Prior to resurfacing, your street may undergo a number of different works to rectify minor faults and improve drainage.  These are done to ensure maximum value is achieved for the community and the roading asset.

Road reconstruction

This work is more extensive and can include building up the road or digging up and removal of parts of the road. Road reconstruction is only done when an assessment of the cost of the current repairs required and future year costs are higher than the reconstruction costs. Within two years of reconstruction, there will be a further resurfacing, to ensure the investment (road) is protected by adequate waterproofing.

Road seal widening

This is a widening or an extension of the width of the road where there is no kerb. There are a number of roads that are now too narrow for their current and expected traffic, but do not qualify for a full reconstruction, therefore extra width is created to widen the existing road. These are usually rural roads.

Footpath resurfacing

This involves the placement of a new surface over the existing footpath. It is sometimes necessary to carry out repairs including removal of the existing footpath surface and the material under the surface prior to preparation for a new surface. Prior to a footpath reconstruction, Council may contact residents about any non-compliant vehicle crossing to their property and offer to work with them to make the vehicle crossing comply to Council’s standards and specifications.

Kerb and channel reconstruction

This involves removing and replacing the existing kerb and channel. As part of the works, changes to road widths, alignment and traffic calming measures (road safety) may be done in conjunction with this reconstruction.

Work timings and completion dates

If your street is being resurfaced or reconstructed you should be part of a letterbox-drop prior to work being undertaken, if you have any queries, phone the number on the letter. We endeavour to complete work as effectively and efficiently as possible, therefore if any work takes longer than expected, it is likely that there has been an unknown issue identified following works starting.

Weather has a significant impact on road surfacing and construction activities:

  • Cold weather affects the ability for the stone chip to stick to the bitumen (tar).
  • Rain can result in the fresh bitumen running off the surface.
  • Adverse hot weather affects the ability for the newly laid surface to cool down, and you may notice some chip roll-over where the chip gets black. This generally wears off with usual tyre wear.

Access during works

There may be limited access to and from your driveway while works are being carried out. If you have any special requirements for access to and from your property the contractor can usually accommodate these, if known in advance. Please contact the number listed on your letterbox-drop letter.

Signs, speed restrictions, cones and/or traffic controllers will be used to guide and control road users while work occurs in the area. Please respect these as they are provided not only for the contractors’ safety, but for road users safety as well.

Hours of work

Work hours are generally limited from 7am to 7pm, but there may be instances, normally in high traffic volume areas, where Council would have approved for work to occur outside of these hours. Residents will be notified prior to this happening.

Avoiding vehicle damage

The temporary speed restrictions in place during and after works are also there to ensure vehicles are not damaged. Driving to the speed restriction is the best way to prevent vehicle damage. If the damage was for other reasons, in the first instance make contact with your insurer.

Loose chip after works and road repair quality

Often after a new resurfacing (chip sealing) you will notice loose chip in the area. In the first week of the resurfacing, some chip remains to protect the new surface from turning car tyres removing the new surface. The contractor will programme a sweeper truck to sweep the extra chip up near the end of the first week. Early in winter as the ground temperature drops a new seal can sometimes lose chip as the bitumen hardens. This is normal and the contractor will do a further sweep of the area.

In some cases temporary repairs will be made to the road to keep the road accessible. A more permanent work will be programmed to be undertaken in the future. Occasionally works undertaken by the contractor may have a quality issue and fail. While this is frustrating the Council has a clear audit process and Council works closely with the contractor to remedy the issue. This is called rework and is not paid for by Council.

Choosing which roads to work on

Council staff and engineers assess a number of factors, and apply this across the whole Christchurch roading network. Council has limited funding to ensure rates are affordable and this requires the work to be prioritised.
To create a priority list, the roading network is assessed on condition, criticality, previous maintenance costs, safety risks, and vehicle use (type and frequency). Other work programmes are considered e.g. water supply or sewer pipe works to reduce the risk of the new road being dug up.

The programme for the year is determined by how many of the highest priority sites are able to be remediated within the available budget. At times road works will be delayed due to programme clashes. We understand that these delays can be frustrating but digging up a newly constructed road is inefficient/expensive.

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