The primary focus of the Compliance Strategy is to set out a high-level approach to regulatory compliance activities undertaken by the Christchurch City Council’s Regulatory Compliance Unit.

Compliance Strategy [PDF, 242 KB]

With the strategy there are two appendices:

  • Appendix A – Enforcement Response Guidelines which seek to guide the Unit’s Compliance Officers and managers in their decision-making regarding the range of compliance and enforcement tools available to Unit.
  • Appendix B – Prosecution Policy sets out the principles and guidelines that managers (and delegation holders) will consider when deciding whether or not to initiate criminal proceedings for offences under legislation enforced by the Unit.

The framework for this compliance strategy has three key elements:

  1. Monitoring compliance – developing strategic compliance monitoring programmes to assess compliance and detect potential non-compliance.
  2. Encouraging compliance – engaging, educating and enabling regulated parties, and utilising appropriate enforcement options to bring about positive behaviour change when non-compliances are detected.
  3. Dealing with non-compliance – utilising a range of enforcement tools to deal with non-compliance.

This Compliance Strategy sets out a high-level approach to regulatory compliance activities undertaken by the Regulatory Compliance unit. The unit is responsible for ensuring compliance with a range of laws and regulations that are designed to achieve beneficial community and environmental outcomes.

These compliance monitoring and investigation activities trigger a range of interventions to ensure that individuals and organisations meet their regulatory responsibilities for the public good.

Our Regulatory Compliance unit approaches compliance activities strategically, targeting resources and interventions in accordance with a range of risk-based factors to achieve the best possible outcomes for the community and the environment.