The Naming Policy 2023 was adopted by Council on 15 November 2023 and came into force on 1 December 2023.

Naming Policy 2023 [PDF, 159 KB]

The names we give to roads, parks and facilities are important. Names connect us to the land and the environment around us, enhancing the character and heritage values of places.

Names are necessary for identifying the precise locations of places, which is vital for emergency and other services. They create a sense of place, reflecting our shared history and landscape and can tell stories about where we are today, and what has gone before.

This naming policy will give effect to our strategies including the Christchurch Multicultural Strategy, Te Rautaki Matawaka Rau 2017 and Our Heritage, Our Taonga 2019 and provide appropriate direction on the use of Māori names consistent with our responsibilities to Mana Whenua.

Alongside this policy, we have a guide to the naming process. This guide contains information on the procedure for naming a road, park or facility, including consultation and engagement.


This policy is intended to:

  • Provide a consistent approach to the naming of roads, parks and facilities.
  • Recognise our local identity, unique environment, and social and cultural heritage.
  • Support and acknowledge mana whenua and reflect obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi.
  • Contribute to cultural vibrancy and promote a sense of connection with our diverse communities.
  • Ensure that names are enduring and have a meaningful connection to the locality.
  • Have regard to the views of interested parties and communities in choosing names.
  • Provide names that are not easily confused with other similar names and assist with wayfinding.


This policy applies to the naming and re-naming of roads and parks under the control or ownership of the Council and to Council-owned facilities.

It is for all people interested in, involved in or affected by the naming or renaming of roads, parks or facilities including applicants, Council staff who assess naming applications and decision-makers with the delegated authority to approve names.