Development Christchurch Limited (DCL) is looking for your feedback on early design ideas.
You can find out more about the project at DCL's website(external link).
The idea for a hot pools complex was raised by residents during the Council-led New Brighton Suburban Centre Master Plan engagement process.
The aim is to create a regional attraction that kick-starts New Brighton’s revitalisation, drawing people into the village centre and supporting the wider New Brighton Regeneration Project, including the playground, improvements to public spaces, transport and car parking, residential development and the surf club rebuild.
Plans so far are based on hundreds of ideas raised during previous community consultations, which supported the project and ensured Christchurch City Council funding.
People said they wanted the hot pools to be a place for locals and visitors to relax and enjoy. Design ideas focus on this feedback with the aim of creating an inclusive, flexible space designed around the natural environment and reflecting the desire for a family-friendly facility.
Now we’d like to hear your thoughts – take a look at the early details and let us know what you think by midnight, Sunday 12 November 2017.
Feedback will inform more detailed design. DCL will continue to involve the community as work progresses.
Design ideas
Key Themes
The Christchurch Hot Pools will be designed for everyone to enjoy. Care is being taken to apply modern accessibility standards to the whole design while all changing rooms, toilets, and communal areas will consider all visitors.
With a predicted peak demand of 100,000 visitors a year, the hot pools must meet a wide range of needs. Different pools will offer different experiences – some will be quiet, some active, and others create a family environment. There will be a range of pool temperatures.
Indicative cross-section
Theming - materials, shade and wind protection
The use of natural materials such as timber, stone, and glass will be key components of the design.
DCL is working with Matapopore and Ngāi Tahu to introduce cultural influence into the design. This will help link the pools to the history and cultural identity of the surrounding area.
Links to the beach will be balanced with the need for protection from the wind and cool temperatures. Thermal comfort technology is being used to inform the creation of micro-climates within the complex to make the most of the sun and protect from the wind and rain. The community’s desire for connection to the environment will be achieved through a generally open design, while some areas will be partially covered.
The hot pools will be a regional destination for visitors and locals alike, drawing people from the city and surrounds to the seaside. We will create a unique attraction that doesn’t compete with nearby attractions such as the Eastern Recreation and Sports Centre.
People have told us it’s important the pools reflect their coastal surroundings. The design is influenced by the local environment, and there will be easy links to the beach.
Foreshore development vision
Theming - look and feel
The hot pools will be located on the foreshore, next to the new playground. Links to Marine Parade and Brighton Mall are an important part of the design – we want to encourage people to wander across to the local village, stop and have a coffee or lunch, and do some shopping.
Protection from coastal inundation and erosion, including improvements to the existing stone sea walls, will be included in the project.
The Council will remain the owner of the hot pools and a commercial leisure operator sought to run the pools. The operational details will be negotiated once this operator is on board. DCL and the Council are aware that entry prices will need to stay affordable. It is likely there will be a fee structure that includes reduced entry for Christchurch residents and Community Services Card holders.
Existing car parking is well used in the summer months, but less so for the rest of the year. The site for the hot pools ensures that car parking is available by the beach. Although some spaces will be lost, a wider review of car parking around the entire New Brighton commercial area has been carried out to address future demand.
The Council has allocated $19.2 Million for the hot pools, playground, coastal protection, car parking, and a contribution towards the surf club rebuild. This is made up of $5 million previously set aside for a legacy project, $3 million for the playground, $1 million for the surf club, and the remainder for the hot pools and associated work.
Feedback from this engagement process and previous consultations will be used to inform the final design of the hot pools. The development will then require notified resource consent from the Council and Environment Canterbury. Preliminary discussions are already underway.
Resource consent applications will likely be lodged by the end of the year and will take several months to finalise. Construction and opening timelines are subject to consent approvals.
The $19.2 million for the hot pools and playground includes assistance for the rebuild and potential relocation of the New Brighton Surf Life Saving Club. The club is working on plans for its rebuild and will decide soon if this includes relocating further south, next to the hot pools. Should the decision be made to relocate the surf club, the existing site could be used for new car parking, subject to resource consent.
You can also have your say on Council proposals to improve New Brighton Pedestrian Mall and Marine Parade.
Have you say on the accompanying consultation regarding site leases for construction.